外围女的生存状况背后 应粉丝追更请求,四月份围观更新第四期:《4生存状况背后》科普一下前三期主题分别是:1探花偷拍陷阱,2真假游艇派对,3泛滥招聘骗局(据粉丝反映第三期已被屏蔽看不到)我就不重创了,一个月更新一期,呕心沥血,希望大家喜欢,后面有动力继续这个系列的创作越写越好。 大圈每天一般下午2点开始(晨跑除外),某深圳外围群就滴滴滴响个不停。每隔几分钟就有一个“散单”发出来,有人私聊有人直接群里接单,忙得不亦乐乎。(“散单”是指将不在自己服务区域范围内的零散客人转给同行)(“带课”发单,“盯单”报名,“家长”接单,“孩子”洗单)(连=联=见面前联系)(L=路=出发在路上)(J=见=见面)(X=喜=课喜欢=洗澡=洗单=课满意留下了)(碧玺=必喜=必洗=形容质量好必喜欢必收货)(S=收=收到钱了)(GZS=工作室=孩子接课的地方)(KP=科普=靠谱)等等… 像这样的500人满员群封了又建,一拉二,二拉三,生生不息,群员基本上都是发单和盯单,各自手中握有一定数量的外围女和客源。也有少部分的家长和单开个体户,方便互相科普。群主一般立足本地业务,再拉上附近往来比较频密的区域同行,就组成了如“深莞惠资源群”,“成渝资源群”,“北上广资源”等群。(“小、中、大圈”是指价格范围,“驾照”指假的照片视频资料笔记,比如:今天是几月几号,我在什么城市等等。。) 自从“天上人间”和“莞式服务”销声匿迹之后,夜总会ktv和高档会所这类场景就开始失去人心,重资产的经营模式不再被大哥们所看好,而几乎同一时间,乘着互联网的东风,以“海天盛筵”为代表的“外围业”发展了起来。 外围属于轻资产运营模式,“办公地点”灵活,更加注重“交易”的隐秘性,山寨圈入门门槛低,不需要进圈号。成功的秘诀往往只在于手上的外围女资源和推广路径够不够多。 推广路径好说,在社交平台随便露出点腥味,就自然会有无数馋猫被吸引过来。唯一的问题是“外围女”不可控,一是人员流动性大(哪里有单,哪里有钱赚,就去哪里,不乐意了就走),二是优质的从业人员不好找(条件好听话的高质量妹子往往偏倾于个体单开),三是微信封号严重(三个帮和叮叮,跑水的又多)。 因此,“外围生意”想要做得稳定、做大做强,就要想方设法搞定“生产”和“控制”外围女的路子,简单点说就是要专注“逼良为娼”。 古代逼良为娼的套路是当你没饭吃的时候借给你高利贷,滚上一年后还不起了,那就卖儿卖女卖自己吧。现代社会不愁衣食,但是女孩子们想买名牌包包的欲望却比饥饿感更拦不住。 目前市面上最新版的“逼良为娼”套路层层引诱、步步挖坑,结合多种诈骗手法。每个诈骗可能都是独立的,但却不约而同把你推向火坑。 当你深陷其中一个诈骗时,迎面而来的下一个套路又包装成是你这时不得不抓住的救命稻草,一个接着一个地来。 导致很多“外围女”直到最后都没想明白自己是被迫噶腰子的,夜深人静的时候静静思考,只会陷入自己爱慕虚荣和好吃懒做的自我怀疑中。 一个外围女的产生,往往从一个女孩在消费主义的社会氛围里迷失开始,可能看过一部三观不正的偶像剧后,心里就开始有了一个可望而不可得的名牌“包包”,在买不起的年纪里恰巧遇上各种“学生贷”、“裸贷”、“消费贷”横空出世,于是这个包包终于借钱买回来了。 却想不到这一步为祸至深,轻则种下了不良消费的习惯,重则深陷套路贷后直接入行。 退回来讲,哪怕没陷入“裸贷”和“套路贷”,由于养成长期入不敷出的习惯,也必然面临巨大的经济缺口,这时候没工作的要找工作,有工作的想找兼职,就会遇到“虚假招聘”和“兼职诈骗”这两个大坑。 显然,普通工作996月薪3000还不了贷款买不起包包,这时候脑子一歪,想到网上流传的那些老板“招秘书”、“招生活助理”的高薪躺赚工作,随后被引入“医美贷”的深坑。 道德感稍微强一点,想要自食其力的,“兼职诈骗”和“投资理财”这个坑适合你,也会骗得你背负巨额贷款。背上了贷款之后就很简单了,“暴力催收”会给你制造生活压力,再介绍你到“色播”和“外围女”这类“躺赚平台”赚钱还贷。 很多外围女接受采访的时候会首先承认自己是爱慕虚荣才会欠下贷款,是因为好吃懒做才会从事这一行,实则没有认识到自己是被什么东西所左右,又被一步步迫害到这个地步的。甚至有的“上线”会以处男朋友的形式,来控制,留住女孩子,成功白嫖之余,还能管控钱财,说怕女孩花钱大手大脚,帮她存,可悲的是,她卖的皮肉钱往往是“男朋友”去贴别的女朋友,你以为她是小三?不,你才是!严格来说,也不算是,只不过是个物件,赚钱工具罢了,你还以为找到了真爱,傻傻地听哄你们以后会结婚… 坏人在偷偷地打,外围女在默默地挨,你不仔细看都看不出这里边有“逼良为娼”的成分。 如果不分析,可能你也不会去思考一个略有物质欲望的普通女孩是如何从在招聘网站上找工作开始,一步步被犯罪分子设计推入火坑,到最后走上必须靠出卖自己肉体来还贷款歧路的。 在这里提醒:女孩子更加要学会保护好自己,武装自己的心灵,清醒看待世界,毕竟这个世界有些人,对青春靓丽的你们充满了深深的恶意。 一切物品皆有价码。人呢?部分也有。 她们为自己标价,多少一晚,多少一次,标得明明白白。 表面上,她们是模特、网红、演员,但私下里,却在暗中交易。 交易什么?不言而明。这就是所谓的“外围女”。 […]
Category: Relationship
Can an AI girlfriend help with organization?
AI girlfriend help with organization An AI girlfriend is a virtual companion that uses artificial intelligence to respond to your likes, dislikes, and emotions. They […]
Roblox Bans the Keeping Up With the Kardashians Sex Tape
Roblox Bans pron Roblox has banned the Keeping Up With The Kardashians sex tape after the episode premiered. The sex tape, which features Kim Kardashian […]
Wall lighting: indoor and outdoor
It was a Tuesday morning in the upper Midwest. I was waking up from a good night’s sleep. Turns out I’m an early riser and […]
Parents and children (How the years go by)
The month of June and the year 2010 are turning out to be very special for me and for my two wonderful children, for two […]
The impossible cure for autism
In 1996, when my daughter was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDDNOS), there were very few natural resources to help nonverbal children. She had taken […]
Toy Reviews – How to Write Helpful Toy Reviews
1. Does the toy do what it says it should? This is pretty straightforward, but strangely often overlooked. If the packaging incorrectly advertises a toy, […]
Hachiko – A faithful Akita dog
Hachiko is a children’s book about an Akita puppy that was lost and found by its owner at the train station in Japan. This children’s […]
Lice Remedies You Need to Get Rid of Lice
Sometimes a head lice infestation can be overdiagnosed, either by parents or healthcare professionals, or both. Before you start any treatment to get rid of […]
Nocturnal enuresis: the demon that wets the bed
For many parents, it is a source of frustration. For children, it can be a devastating and humiliating experience, far worse than any monster hiding […]
How to lose 50 pounds in 50 days
Here’s how to lose 50 pounds in 50 days. But first, you have to understand that losing 50 pounds in 50 days is not easy. […]
Special Education Certificate of Attendance – End of Special Education Services?
Do you have a 17 or 18 year old child with a disability receiving special education services? Have you been told that your 17 or […]
Creative Baby Game – Newborn to 6 Months
New parents are bombarded with parenting information. What diapers to wear, whether to breastfeed, and how to make your babies smarter. Millions of dollars are […]
Gift Guide 2021: The best Christmas gifts for young children
Young children are pretty easy to please when it comes to gifts. They get dizzy and curious when they see a new toy, something shiny, […]
The benefits of scented reed diffusers
There are many benefits of reed diffusers over other means of adding wonderful fragrance to your home and many people believe that there is no […]
15 tips for better baby sleep
One of the most rewarding things as a new parent is listening to the sweet sounds of silence; that is, your baby sleeping peacefully! Each […]
Healthy foods to eat on a budget
If you’re on a tight budget, finding healthy foods at the grocery store can seem like a challenge, but there are healthy, inexpensive options in […]
Privacy of parents and their children
When does a child’s right to privacy begin and a parent’s right to know end? I don’t have definitive answers, but I do have what […]
Does my ex miss me? Reddit explains it all
If you wonder, does my ex miss me? And then you go to Reddit to try to find help, you may be poking around in […]
Why do bookmakers offer free soccer bets?
Football free bets are one of the main types of free bets that bookmakers are currently launching as a means of increasing interest and awareness […]
Prophetic Evangelism: 5 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Prophesying to Strangers
I have been reaching out to strangers for about nine years with messages using the three gifts of prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, […]
Workplace Wellness – What’s for lunch?
Anyway, what’s the problem with eating healthy at work? We spend most of our time at work, that is. Some of us spend breakfast, lunch, […]
Polka Dot Gift Bags – Cool Any Season/Every Season Accessory for Girls
With the growing communication systems like television, movies, videos, internet and other marketing methods, girls and boys, regardless of their age, have become very knowledgeable […]
Fun Facts About Nigeria – Hakeem Olajuwon’s Birthplace!
Welcome to Nigeria, a multicultural country in Africa Hakeem Olajuwon did you know- Nigerian-born Hakeem Abdul Olajuwon is the “second best player in the world,” […]
Bible Character Password – A Great Bible School Activity for Elementary Kids
I love trying to crack a good mystery. Maybe I should have been a detective. Trying to guess what a clue points to can be […]
San Francisco City Guide: Fun for Young and Old
San Francisco is one of the largest cities in the United States. It is a wonderful place to visit and a place that both young […]
How to put your baby to sleep – Tips and tricks
Are you a parent who is continually looking for ways to get your baby to sleep but failing miserably? No matter how hard you try […]
Top 5 Most Popular Teen Birthday Party Ideas for Teen Girls
Here are 5 popular teen birthday party themes for girls to help you start planning your next party. 1) Mall Scavenger Hunt: What Do Teenage […]
Diego and Dora Games – Fun activities for children and adults
Almost all children just love Dora and Diego. They are adorable cartoon characters from a popular TV show. Children find them very fascinating and love […]
What Causes Odor in Your Hot Tub and Spa?
What will you do if your hot tub and spa smell like skunk? Skunk smell not only gives you inconvenience in life, the smell also […]
How covid stole my grandmother’s party of life celebration
We strolled down the palm-lined street in the warm Florida night, my sister and I, my grandmother and her friend. The laughter was loud and […]
How to organize your child’s clothing
If your house is anything like mine, you have dress clothes scattered throughout the house, from the kids’ bedrooms, to the playroom, to dress shoes […]
Where to Buy Cheap Clothes for American Girl Dolls
As every girl knows, American Girl is a line of dolls that are approximately 18 inches tall. Depicted as girls around the age of ten, […]
Who has acne? The biggest myth about acne
There is no simple answer to this simple question “who gets acne?”. Although acne is most often found in adolescents, this does not mean that […]
All about the Bichon Frize puppy
After months and months of trying to figure out what kind of puppy you want and which ones are the cutest, you’ve finally decided to […]
Lose weight: do it yourself
The times of the baroque have passed and chubby bodies are no longer popular. If you want to be “in fashion”, apparently you must be […]
Easy Fruit Salad Recipes Perfect for Your Next Picnic
When one mentions the word “salad” what immediately comes to mind are leafy greens and other vegetables – definitely not a dessert! But do not […]
Theme Park Water Ride Tips and Tricks to Stay Dry and Not Wet
If you have kids, you know they love water rides at theme parks. Parents always make a classic mistake about them. They look at the […]
Buy the LeapFrog Tag Reading System and stand out as the coolest person in your family this Christmas
LeapFrog’s Tag Reading System is an optical playground that can read specially designed storybooks aloud. Point the pen to any word in the book and […]
5 Tips for Finding Unique Groomsmen Gifts
As important members of your entourage, your groomsmen play an important role during your wedding day. And while there are plenty of gift items to […]
Itchy Penis: Will Shaving Cure Pubic Lice?
public lice. crabs Genital parasites. Whatever one calls them, they all mean one thing: an embarrassingly itchy penis that requires abstaining from the sexual act. […]
3 Delicious Soups to Serve at Your Barbecue
The best thing about serving soup at a barbecue is that you can prepare a recipe that perfectly suits your grilled dishes. If you plan […]
A birthday is more than balloons: involve children to be part of the preparation of the birthday decoration
Well, it’s your son’s birthday and he’s turned one year old, but you want him not only to be older, but also wise over the […]
The Crusade for Better School Feeding – Making Real Change
Recently, the media reported on new findings about the rise in childhood diabetes and its dire consequences. This news has once again sounded the alarm […]
Analysis of Sir Joshua Reynolds’ first address to the Royal Academy of Art
The first President of the Royal Academy, Sir Joshua Reynolds, delivered fifteen speeches over a period of 18 years to the Academy’s student body and […]
An Italian Greyhound with great canine aggression
Tonight I have been working with an Italian Greyhound who has a problem with barking around other dogs, as well as a deep fear of […]
creative sparks
During your journey through life you will have many sparks that will ignite your creativity, goals and dreams. A spark sets it off. It is […]
Treasure Map Your Next Hit
Treasure Map Your Success for 2006 Treasure mapping is the process of visualizing on paper exactly what you want. The clearer you can see your […]
Do you suffer from giftophobia?
What is giftophobia and how do you know if you have it? Giftophobia is a disease that affects millions of people every year. It is […]
A guide to a healthy lifestyle for adolescents
Being a teenager, you face so many pressures from school, peers and even parents, that it is quite difficult to create a healthy lifestyle for […]
Why the lexical resource is so important in the IELTS exam
For those unfamiliar with the phrase, ‘lexical resource’, it is simply a collection of words and phrases with the knowledge where it fits correctly. In […]
Seducing Married Women: Why It’s So Fun And Stress Free
Seducing a married woman may sound a bit illegal and downright wrong, but still, many men do it out of a sense of danger and […]
Valentine’s Gift Baskets
Valentine’s Day is probably one of the most romantic days that couples treasure each year. That is why during this occasion, different types of Valentine’s […]
People say that the mistress never really gets happiness, is this true?
It is very normal for a wife to have many questions about the other woman. In fact, some of us almost fixate on her, thinking […]
Be Radiant, Extract Know Thyself: A Woman’s Guide to Fullness, Radiance, and Ultimate Confidence
Partial Extract, Chapter 5 be radiant To be radiant is to be centered in your divine nature and truth at all times. It is seeing […]
15 Reasons Why Students Fail the TOEFL Test/Exam
The test of English as a foreign language can be very complicated and difficult for most students to pass. This is because certain crucial factors […]
Xinghaoya Remote Control Vibrating Bullet Safe For Anal
Xinghaoya Remote Control Vibrating Bullet Safe For Anal Often v quiet and beginner friendly, bullet vibes come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They’re […]
Leadership Lessons for Uncertain Times – Lessons for Leaders from We Are Marshall
The movie we are marshals tells the story of the rebuilding of the Marshall University football program after a tragic plane crash in 1970 that […]
10 Green and Green Tips for Web Design and Online Marketing
Given that the trends that involve just about everything in our lives are moving towards respecting the environment and conserving our natural resources, I was […]
Kindness is a language the deaf can hear
Verse 11 still has a lot to teach us. This verse contains seven major sermons. First, we hear that we need to stay away from […]
Funny Car Story – I Swear The Post Moved
When I was 16 years old I learned to drive. I took the Driver Education course at De La Salle High School in New Orleans. […]
Minecraft Creatures: A Thinker’s Challenge
Whether you are a newbie or an experienced player, you should be aware at this point of the problems that creatures can cause you. Poor […]
Freddy Krueger Reveals a Sales Technique That Will Guarantee His Competition Nightmares
If you want to know the world’s easiest sales and marketing “secret”, this article will show you how. Listen, have you ever seen the movie […]
Child’s Play – Building a Confident Child Through Physical Play
“Moving is as natural for learning as breathing is for living,” says early childhood expert Mimi Chenfeld. From newborn to adult, your child has many […]
The game of Cribbage and the many ways it can be played with more than two players
It’s always a good sign when new versions of something appear all over the world. Take Cribbage, for example: you may know that there are […]
book review of "Everything you wanted to know about the Indians but were afraid to ask"
The author, Anton Treuer, shared how this book came to be. When he was younger, he heard about a lady who ran a sweat lodge […]
The 5 most important things to consider when buying a bodystocking
A Body stocking is a one-piece garment that will cover your body from the shoulders to the feet. For example, imagine slipping your leg into […]
10 Warning Signs Your Teen Is Becoming “That” Teen
Have you heard of the Petersons? His son Skeeter got kicked out of school, got caught smoking something illegal, and now stays up late at […]
How to Host a Successful 21st Birthday Party
1. Set the date and set it early The key to any successful event is careful and timely planning. You should start planning your party […]
How to prevent water damage from destroying your iPhone
Water damage can ruin almost any electronic device. With today’s new technology, there isn’t much room in the case for parts, let alone foreign substances. […]
How to Make a Good Deal When Selling Auto Parts to a Wrecking Yard
Do you have a junk car at home? Then you must be wanting to sell it to a salvage yard. You can sell your entire […]
The helping hand for all new moms
How society has changed in the last 100 years. Not so long ago, extended family members lived on the same street or at least in […]
by charles dickens "american notes" It is perhaps his best nonfiction book.
One of the joys of our new age of eBooks, if you like books as physical objects as well as text, is that you can […]
The 10 Best Books From Babies To Young Readers
As a mother and avid reader, I am a firm believer in reading with your children no matter what their age. I also believe that […]
Fun Christmas Snack Ideas Kids Will Love
One thing kids love as much as they love their favorite snacks is Christmas, so why not put those two things together for a little […]
The Customs of O-Chugen and O-Seibo
In Japan, there are two seasons in which gifts are usually given, one in summer and one in winter. The gifts are called o-chugen and […]
Royal Carlock Washington DC Hand Colored Photograph
real hubert carlock (1899-1970) was born in Paris Crossing, Indiana. One of six children born to Benjamin and Ellen Carlock. After graduating from Indiana University, […]
Potty training for children
Raising a child is no easy task, but the good thing is that the Good Book gives us some encouragement by assuring that ‘train a […]
Where is my town? – Why Modern Parenthood Sucks
a bad mother We love listening to music in our house, from Classical to Metal; Country to Reggae; And everything else. A good jam can […]
The opposite of love is laziness
Stay in a very comfortable position and I want you to imagine this… What if your mom is too lazy to get up early in […]
Look up full details of a cell phone number using a reverse cell phone lookup site
It can be very difficult to know who a cell phone number belongs to, since you don’t know what to do to get that person’s […]
How to throw your “Boomerang Kidult”
Now that Labor Day has come and gone, all the kids should be out of the house and back to school. But wait! What about […]
Benefits of the baby hammock
Rather than focus on the myths surrounding baby hammocks, let’s take a look at the many benefits these items provide, which were used by your […]
Is your child’s room ready? Quick guide to children’s furniture!
Are you planning your child’s name? Nursery plans for your sweet son should pop into your mind long before you name him! Children’s rooms are […]
Overidentification of minority children in special education: what can be done?
Are you concerned about the number of minority children being diagnosed with disabilities in your school district? Are you concerned about the large number of […]
Benefits of citronella oil for children
Citronella oil is one of the most widely used essential oils both in aromatherapy and in commercial products. Citronella with its many benefits is used […]
Play and collect board games
I guess my interest in table games It started during the World Cup draw in 1965. I had gone to stay with one of my […]
Artificial grass: a cost-effective solution
During that time, people who wanted something to replace natural grass had very few options. At that time they put up huge rock gardens or […]
Welcome to Parenting Teenagers
Do you still cringe when your teenager expressed a desire to go to the ED Sheeran concert? Welcome to being a parent of a TEEN! […]
What is Stripchat Token? – Models earn 5 cents per token
What is Stripchat Token? You may have heard of Stripchat but aren’t sure what it offers. If so, you’re in the right place! Stripchat is […]
Hot trend for Christmas 2009 – Board games
One of the hottest trends for Christmas toy shopping this year may be the resurgence of the board game. That’s right, sales of many old […]
A chilling way to improve your performance
When a man gets too excited, we tell him to take a cold bath to cool off. Interestingly, if he followed that advice, he would […]
Functions and characteristics specific to table and floor lamps
Modern table and floor lamps can certainly transform the appearance of a room without changing its color or design. These are essential lighting fixtures that […]
Baby Food Jar Craft Ideas
Are you interested in baby food jar crafts? There are plenty of ideas for upcycling those baby food jars. This would have to be my […]
The 5 best mattresses for pregnant women
As a woman, you would like to hear someone calling you ‘MOM’, running around with joy and delight. Don’t worry if you don’t have one […]
How to sell more books
If you want to make money writing books, you need to make sure your book sales continue for years. However, the question is how do […]
Options for treatment of the main law, benefits and consequences
So you think you might have a lice infestation and you need to know your options for treating it. Your doctor may recommend a medicated […]
Ayurveda Medicinal Properties of a Banana
This plant is known as “Kadali” in Sanskrit. The fruit is known as “kadali phala”. The fruits, stems, and flowers are regularly used in South […]
How Far In Advance Should Someone Book One of the Top Escorts on the Gold?
Advance Should Someone Book One of the Top Escorts on the Gold If you’re about to book one of the top escorts on the Gold, […]
Diet, Support and More: How to Prepare for Weight Loss Surgery
After scheduling weight loss surgery, patients often have questions and concerns about the impending procedure. Your team of healthcare providers will give you specific instructions […]
What determines the purchase price of land for real estate development?
As I mentioned in my previous article ‘Getting Development Approval for Your Land’, I discussed the importance of market research with regard to many aspects […]
The positive effects of scented candles
For many years scented candles have been and still are very popular. They have always been well received by women, but now many men are […]
Greek Baby Names – Consider One Of These 11 Unique Names For Your Baby Boy!
Greek baby names are always very interesting. Because? Not only are they an interesting challenge to pronounce for most of us, but they always symbolize […]
How to avoid childhood obesity
Children of any age do not feed themselves; They don’t go to the supermarket to buy their food. They do not decide the weekly menu. […]
Masculinity and the American male
My six year old first grader is wide open, 100mph from dawn to dusk. It overflows with energy, laughter and emotion. He also sits at […]
Book Review: Can You Make a Desert Tortoise Your Pet?
Desert tortoise is an endangered species in California, so you are not supposed to take them as pets, but if they wonder around your property […]
5 Top Parenting Tips That Could Help Save The Day
When it comes to young children, there is one thing that is put to the test almost every day: their patience. To save yourself from […]
poker and the stock market
I was out of town this weekend in southern NJ, Atlantic City to be exact. After finishing my business at the convention center, I traveled […]
How to make a website for children that is fun and educational
The World Wide Web offers a wide range of knowledge that cannot be surpassed by any other means. It is a great help and source […]
Strengthening and enforcing our profession
To be an effective project manager (PM), we need to look at our definition of project management. Surprisingly, the definitions vary greatly by organization and […]
Top 10 MP3 Player Speaker Systems – Christmas Gifts for 2008 – Get the Best Christmas Gifts Now
Young, old, single, married, boy, girl, anyone should probably have their own MP3 player by now! So what can you give them this Christmas? The […]
Simple ways to prevent wrinkles
When wrinkles begin to appear in increasing numbers as we age, we begin to wonder if there is a way to prevent more wrinkles from […]
7 Tips to Help You Get Personalized Gifts for Your Loved Ones
Regardless of where you live in the world, you may be following the tradition of gift giving. Generally, people buy gifts for their loved ones […]
Factors affecting migration and solutions to rural-urban migration, especially to developing countries
Migration is the movement of people from one geographic area to another, involving permanent or temporary residence or settlement. There must be a reason or […]
Little short stories part 1
1. An artist got into a time machine. He pushed the control panel to go back to the Old West, 1850. When he got there, […]
Top 30 Fun Sight Word Games and Activities
Learning sight words is an important part of learning to read. Sight words are service words. They are not meant to ring. Learning these words […]
How much water for the baby?
While drinking more water is a good idea for everyone, especially during the hot summer months, too much water can spill. Harmful to infants 6 […]
Family tasks for children, teenagers and even parents
Helping around the house teaches everyone in the family the importance of contributing to a team. For children and adolescents, it also instills a sense […]
Making the transition from crib to bed safe and smooth
As a mother, I am well aware of all the stressful milestones that take place during the toddler and preschool years. One of these stressful […]
beach table decoration
Are you hosting a beach themed party and want to set a fabulous table that reflects the beach? No problem – there are so many […]
My Two Favorite Mother’s Day Gifts That Cost Next To Nothing
I used to stress about what to get my mom for Mother’s Day. For years they were flowers, cards, clothes or even decorative elements for […]
Definition of sight words
What are sight words? “Sight words” is a term that parents of elementary school students have probably heard before, but not many people outside of […]
What are the fads and fads of food?
How did gastronomic fashion change? Exploration. India had the spices and China had the tea and those who went to remote places began to establish […]
First Date Rules – Continued
TALK ABOUT YOUR MOTHER OR SISTERS AS YOU PASS: In fact, those are the only women you can talk about on your first date. Don’t […]
2009 Cinderella Dresses Review
For girls, dressing up is in style. They love to look like pretty princesses with their dress up clothes. For most little girls, Cinderella dresses […]
Baby’s first haircut: why, when and how? myths vs facts
Many parents have received strong advice about their baby’s first haircut. Often, that advice is delivered with seeming authority, but oddly enough it contradicts the […]
The cabin in the woods horror movie review
Gore, mayhem, and plot twists as shocking as their images explode on the screen in The Cabin in the Woods (2011), a horror film that […]
child development game
Unstructured free play It is the best type of game for young children. This is creative play that just happens, depending on what your child […]
A Diet Pill To Lose Weight Fast – Is It Worth It?
The reality is that more and more people are overweight and the problem is getting bigger and more serious. Although there are so many different […]
นักเรียนไทยฟรีเรียกร้องความเท่าเทียม ขบวนการที่นำโดยนักศึกษาได้จุดชนวนการประท้วงในมหาวิทยาลัยและโรงเรียนมัธยมหลายแห่งทั่วประเทศไทย นักเรียนเรียกร้องเสรีภาพและความเท่าเทียมทางเพศมากขึ้นในโรงเรียนที่พวกเขากล่าวว่าออกแบบมาเพื่อปลูกฝังหลักการเชื่อฟังคำสั่งสอนแบบโบราณมากกว่าการศึกษา Hormones ซึ่งเป็นละครโทรทัศน์ที่สำรวจภาวะที่กลืนไม่เข้าคายไม่ออกนี้ได้รับการวิพากษ์วิจารณ์จากคณะกรรมการกิจการโทรทัศน์และกิจการโทรคมนาคมแห่งชาติ แต่ผู้อำนวยการของ Sugmakanan กล่าวว่า เป็นไปไม่ได้ที่จะหลีกเลี่ยงการพูดถึงประเด็นทางเพศในโรงเรียนและสังคม คลิปหลุด เย็ดนักเรียนไทย แม้จะมีความพยายามที่จะให้ความรู้เพศวิถีศึกษาแก่เยาวชนไทยอย่างรอบด้าน แต่การเข้าถึงความรู้เรื่องเพศและสิทธิทางเพศยังคงมีข้อจำกัด สิ่งนี้ส่งผลให้เกิดวัฒนธรรมทางเพศที่ยังคงได้รับอิทธิพลจากวาทกรรมที่โดดเด่นซึ่งมองว่าเรื่องเพศเป็นการละเว้นสำหรับผู้หญิง ในโรงเรียน ครูมักจะสนับสนุนให้นักเรียนเชื่อฟังกฎและความคาดหวังของสังคม ซึ่งรวมถึงการสวมกระโปรง ผ้ากันเปื้อน และเครื่องแบบอื่นๆ ใช้ห้องน้ำที่สะอาด ไม่มีการแต่งหน้า รักษาทรงผม; หลีกเลี่ยงการสบตาระหว่างการบรรยาย และหลีกเลี่ยงการพูดเกี่ยวกับเรื่องเพศขณะอยู่ในโรงเรียน นี่เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการขัดเกลาทางสังคมที่ให้คุณค่ากับความบริสุทธิ์ทางเพศของเด็กผู้หญิง […]
Coffee flavored desserts that will make coffee more addictive
The first thing most people reach for in the morning is a hot cup of coffee. While some people drink their daily dose of the […]
Lifestyle Vacation Club, pros and cons of a Lifestyle Vacation Club
We all want to travel, some of us may not admit it to others, but I think it’s more because they don’t want to admit […]
Earn more as a coach, consultant or trainer
I have been in the training, coaching and consulting business for 18 years; and a good business it is. At their best, their professionals add […]
Boo Boo 3
Many people enjoy watching sports, and those people who really get into their favorite sport will participate in a variety of ways, involving their family […]
Lice Elimination – Detection and Treatment
Six to twelve million people, that’s the number of Americans, a large portion of whom are children, affected by head lice. Children come into contact […]
Grilled Tilapia Recipes That Will Make You Love Fish Even More
Grilled tilapia and other grilled fish are a good alternative if you want to enjoy tasty grilled dishes without the guilt, especially if you’re watching […]
Handmade baby quilts make the world a softer place
Almost anything that’s soft makes us happy, whether it’s the soft voice of our favorite singer singing a romantic ballad or the soft softness of […]
Stay away from vegan junk food – choose easy and healthy vegan recipes instead!
Although the vegan diet has awesome health benefits: you may very well be sabotaging these benefits by choosing the wrong foods. These wrong foods have […]
Specialties of Thanjavur paintings
There are many artistic and cultural works that speak of the greatness of the Indian people and one of the greatest artistic works is the […]
Christmas time: a season of memories
Ecclesiastes 3:1 Everything has its time, and everything that is wanted under heaven has its time: Christmas is one of the happiest times of our […]
Perfume: pros and cons of decanting
The best thing that has happened to my perfume collection is doubling my decanting budget for the months of October through December. Basically, I cut […]
How important is sleep?
Several famous accidents can be attributed to lack of sleep. The third mate of the Exxon Valdez oil tanker that ran aground on March 24, […]
Hummingbird Legend Cake
A Victorian cake recipe that is truly exceptional. The perfect cake to bring to gatherings… easy, freezes well, serves many. “Impress your friends with this […]
Great gift ideas for outdoor enthusiasts
Here are some ideas that are unique to campers and hikers. 1. A lightweight and convenient cooler. Coolers can be difficult to transport, even the […]
The IELTS listening test: how to avoid the most common mistakes
The IELTS listening test is a bit difficult for non-English speaking compatriots. Non-native English speakers face a real challenge when it comes to hearing and […]
Let’s make kindness more contagious
My hometown is recovering from an outbreak of the South African variant of COVID, which is highly contagious, but I truly believe that we can […]
Come out and play! Four reasons why exposure to nature is essential for the well-being of our children
1. TIME OUTDOORS HAS A DIRECT IMPACT ON CHILD DEVELOPMENT. There is a growing body of evidence indicating that direct experiences with nature are essential […]
Things to consider before buying a hoverboard
A hoverboard is a self-balancing two-wheeled scooter that has become very popular in recent years. It is also considered as one of the most popular […]
Top 10 Board Games We Secretly Hate
Everyone loves board games, right? Good? I mean, we all have fond memories of playing with our kids, parents, uncles, aunts, and friends, right? Actually, […]
My Husband Only Cares About Himself And He’s Ruining My Marriage: Tips And Advice That Might Help
Sometimes I hear from wives who feel like they are not an equal partner in their marriage because they don’t have an equal voice. Some […]
How many optimization inputs are still acceptable?
In today’s article, I would like to share with you an interesting study that will answer an important question: how many optimization inputs are acceptable […]
Benefit Fundraiser – Beer for a Year and a Wagon ‘O Scotch!
Here are two ways to make all the men at your fundraising benefit fall in love with themselves while gladly ditching $10 and $20 bills […]
Funny birthday poems: give laughter
Instead of giving the same old card you send every year, why not take advantage of our funny birthday poems? We have a great selection […]
Yoga – Where is your reference point?
When you’re in yoga class doing poses, watch carefully if you feel like comparing yourself to others, especially if you pretend you don’t care. When […]
Feng Shui for yourself – Do you have good CARma?
As we all try to accumulate as many fun-in-the-sun memories as we can before the end of summer, we quickly travel back and forth, across […]
Grow with cards and games
Summer and games go together for me. When I was a boy, my family had a farmhouse on a small lake in northern Minnesota. It […]
Travel – Tips for traveling by plane as a family
Air travel with young children can be a source of stress for traveling parents. The following tips are intended to help parents and children have […]
Writers must take care of business
As a writer, it’s easier to work in the business of writing than it is in the business of selling books. You need to continue […]
How to Make a Go Kart Stable – Go Kart Stability Factors
The other day I was watching a YouTube video with two kids riding a go kart with a roll cage. It was making solid progress […]
Discount Bedroom Furniture Buying Guide
You don’t want to break the bank buying bedroom furniture. But you don’t want to break the bed because you bought cheap. You don’t have […]
Special Talents for Kids: Discover Your Child’s Inner Genius
As the mother of a six-year-old girl who is already signing autographs, many parents have asked me what I did to develop her talent. Do […]
3 easy signs to discover if a woman loves you: the quick formula to read her mind
Have you ever asked yourself these questions: “Does he really like me?” or “Do you see me as a lover or just a friend?” The […]
7 great gift ideas for car lovers
If you are a car enthusiast, you can be quite picky about what goes into your car. Therefore, buying gifts for someone like you may […]
Becoming a new parent during Covid
greedy, greedy It’s all we hear at the moment, it seems to be on the morning news noon and night all the time. It has […]
Among us
Angel sightings have been said to come or appear in and around many places in the world. In all shapes and sizes, a spate of […]
3 Cheerful and Fun Secret Santa Games
This Christmas, many families will be looking for great activities to do with their families. One thing they can do is play Christmas gift games. […]
Can you really trust a design chart?
Almost everyone in the family is excited when the mother is conceiving a child and everyone would also like to know if the baby is […]
potty training
A question often arises during the search for potty training, and that is the use of potty training with underwear. Can you think of any […]
The painting on the wall in the living room
While a new car with sleek aerodynamics and cutting-edge technology is a novelty in itself, the mere sight of a vintage or classic car cruising […]
The Smart Woman’s Guide to Retirement Planning by Mary Hunt – Personal Finance Book Review
Money expert Mary Hunt returns with a new book, “The Smart Woman’s Guide to Retirement Planning,” to help women prosper financially in the New Year […]
Reverse Cell Phone Lookup – No More Unknown Phone Numbers
Reverse cell phone lookup is something that you and I need to do on occasion. Almost everyone with a cell phone has received phone calls […]
9 Ways To Successfully Create Good Habits And 5 Reasons You Fail To Break Bad Habits
9 Ways To Create New Successful Good Habits & 5 Reasons You Fail To Break Bad Ones “Your net worth to the world is generally […]
Cardboard furniture is an economical and ecological solution
Cardboard chairs and tables can be the answer for people who don’t want to spend a lot of money on traditional furniture, either because they […]
Why Hosting a Baby Shower for New Parents Is Important: The Benefits Are Huge!
For any woman who has been trying to conceive, finding out that she is pregnant is the best news! (Of course, second only to the […]
The Duce or How I came to hate Mussolini
First, this article was not my idea. My daughter-in-law suggested it to me. I said, “L, give me a couple of article ideas.” He thought […]
The benefits of online games for children
Children enjoy gaming online and as a result are often glued to their computers for long periods. However, everything that is in excess can be […]
6 smartphone apps for smart moms in 2012
Using smartphones and smartphone devices, moms organize their day and keep the kids entertained, all with a swipe of their finger. As companies begin to […]
Head Lice – Natural Treatment Methods
“Head lice” is a term that strikes fear into the hearts of parents of school-age children everywhere. “What do I do now?” is the first […]
It was the night before Christmas
Do you remember feeling like an adult, being given adult responsibility, being allowed to do your parents’ special project for the first time? I had […]
Training workshops for troubled teens
Training workshops for adolescents with problems for intervention in adolescent crises are established. Highly trained professionals mediate these workshops and adolescents are assessed and their […]
Top Ten Things to Put in Kids’ Easter Baskets
The Easter basket is the symbol par excellence of the religious festival that takes place two days after Good Friday each year. Well, that and […]
fixed gear rush
New York City bike messengers have ridden fixed-gear bikes for years. The best bike for them was a track bike; Single speed “fixed” gear, no […]
Why choose wireless lighting?
WHAT IS WIRELESS LIGHTING? As you may have guessed, wireless lighting refers to any type of lighting that doesn’t rely on long cables plugged into […]
20 Fantastic Reasons to Recycle a First Communion Dress
A First Communion dress is rich in religious symbolism and steeped in tradition. This special dress should not be hung in a closet after the […]
7 essential items for your home
Running errands and organizing your house requires a few essential items and therefore the article will walk you through the top 7 items listed according […]
Bakugan 7 in 1 Maxus Dragonoid Review – Is this a good toy for your child?
The Bakugan 7 in 1 Maxus Dragonoid is one of the best new toys on the market. It is based on the animated series “Bakugan […]
The Leader of the Pack: Chester Gigolo’s Advanced Dog Training Secrets
leader of the pack By: Cristina Potter Publisher: Aperture Press Release date: August 2017 ISBN: 978-0997302097 Reviewed by: Ellen Feld Revision Date: March 19, 2018 […]
Using Olive Oil Lice Treatment: How To Get Rid Of Lice In Just 2 Hours
Recently, many anxious parents have turned to natural home remedies to treat their children for head lice as a safer alternative to over-the-counter and prescription […]
Parent Tip: Help Kids Manage Stress
Facilitate children to manage their stress:- “Don’t hurt your children by making their lives easier” – Robert Heinlein. Sometimes we think kids are so lucky […]
Sophie Dahl Weight Loss – How Did She Lose Over 30 Pounds?
You have probably heard of the model, Sophie Dahl? She was famous for being an emerging “curvy” model. Many women applauded her because she was […]
How to know if the guy has special feelings for you! Find out if you are really special to him
It takes a bit of intuition and common sense to know and recognize the signs that a guy has special feelings for you. If you […]
Women’s health: nutrition during pregnancy is for all women of childbearing age
During pregnancy your nutritional needs will increase. Even before you get pregnant, it’s a good idea to do everything you can to start eating healthy […]
Learning through shapes and colors
Children enjoy playing and learning. Educational toys are taking the world by storm and are really important investments for parents to help their children have […]
Emu Oil: A Miracle Cure or Snake Oil?
In my search for homemade spa treatments and herbal home remedies, which I really enjoy playing with, I came across a product called Emu Oil. […]
Should these baby showers be allowed?
Who would have thought? Gathering with your friends and family to celebrate the impending birth of your child has become a tradition here in the […]
How to Choose the Best Value Selecting Convenience Meal Plans for Weight Loss
Losing pounds is one of the most difficult tasks you can put in an effort to achieve. Probably the most difficult aspects of reaching your […]
My Capricorn man broke up with me! How to get your heart back
“My Capricorn man broke up with me and I still love him,” said the woman who wished she could wave a magic wand to get […]
Writing Your Official Reiki Hours – A Common Beginner’s Mistake
Thanks to my dear Reiki students, this article responds to a common mistake in seeking perceived honesty when recording the number of Reiki hours performed. […]
How to be a mother and best friend
Can you be a best friend and a mother to your child? I remember when I was a kid I went through that phase where […]
5 Amazing Benefits of PC Games for Kids
Games have become an essential part of a child’s development now. Parents are more concerned with the games children are playing than why they are […]