Committed for Better Business

Today, you can use ultra-slim smartphones to perform many tasks from the comfort of your own home. The only problem is the limited backup of cell phone batteries. An easy way out is to maximize your smartphone battery. Below are some of the steps you can take to get the most out of your phone’s battery.

1. Lower the brightness of your screen

If you reduce screen brightness, you can significantly reduce burn-in on your phone. This is easy when you’re indoors, since you don’t need a bright screen to view your files or browse the web.

Ideally, you should keep the brightness level at 50% or lower. Alternatively, you can try the setting called Adaptive Brightness, which allows the device to adjust the brightness level based on the light around the phone.

2. Set dark mode

This tip can help you reduce a lot of load on your phone. If you are using an Android phone, you can go to the Launcher app and tap on Settings. Now, you can choose the color wallpaper you like and switch from light to dark theme to save energy. If you go for dark mode, you can save a lot of battery life.

3. Keep the LCD screen dark

If you keep your phone’s screen dark when it’s idle, you can save a lot of power. Also, this helps prevent the pocket dial. Also, you won’t accidentally touch the screen.

4. Close unwanted apps

Some apps keep your phone busy downloading updates and sending notifications. You can try several solutions to fix this problem. You can go to settings and opt for apps that you don’t need to use on a daily basis.

Also, it is better to use WiFi instead of 4G to download the things you need from the web. The reason is that using 4G consumes much more power than your home WiFi. Also, you can disable notifications from apps that you don’t use on a daily basis.

5. Use power saving mode

Every time your battery goes below 15%, you need to take drastic measures to save battery power. For example, you can turn on power saving mode, as it helps reduce screen brightness, restricts processor speed, and limits network usage.

If you have a Samsung phone, you can enable emergency mode. This mode can help you keep your phone working for several days.

6. Disable location services

Your phone’s GPS consumes a lot of power. If you disable this function, you can save a lot of energy. Alternatively, you can identify apps that use location services. You can enable the feature whenever you need to use it.

7. Disable data roaming

Like GPS, 5G and 4G modes can put a lot of strain on your phone’s battery, especially if you’re not getting a strong signal. If you are traveling to a remote location, you are more dependent on your phone battery. Therefore, it makes sense to disable data roaming.

In short, if you follow these 7 tips, you will be able to get the most out of your phone’s battery. I hope this helps.

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