Committed for Better Business

It’s a fact, dangerous weather conditions can cause trees to fall and create extremely dangerous situations. For this reason, declining trees that cannot be saved or dead trees in the vicinity of residential properties must be removed before a windstorm can blow them down. Every year, a significant number of trees fall on houses, cars, buildings, structures, power lines, etc. Many homeowners faced with the unfortunate occurrence of a fallen tree damaging their property are frantic and don’t know what to do. They think, hmm…

  • Is this covered by my insurance company?
  • Is this my neighbor’s tree or mine?
  • If my tree falls in my neighbor’s yard, am I responsible for the damage?
  • What about damage to my property? Am I covered?
  • Is a local tree service immediately available to remove the large tree that fell on my house?
  • How long does it take to fix the set on my roof?
  • Who is responsible for fixing everything on my roof, and at whose expense?

These are all very good and common questions that come up during an emergency situation. In most cases, an insurance company is responsible for footing the bill for emergency tree removal. That is, if a tree falls on a structure such as a house, shed, fence, or car. This is usually when a homeowner should contact their insurance company for help. Insurance companies have preferred provider lists of local tree companies to provide to the homeowner. The homeowner will call for a free estimate to get the job done. In some cases, when a tree falls on a home, an insurance company will provide the homeowner with a general contractor who will handle all aspects of the repair, including finding a tree repair service. In some cases, if a home is located in an HOA, the association representative will handle the situation. Most of the time, this burden falls on the owner himself, and usually the forestry company that responds the fastest and has the ability to get the job done the fastest gets the job done. Often, if a tree falls on the roof of a house, a crane is required to help with the removal. Tree companies with a fully staffed crane operator and their own crane are best suited for this type of tree removal.

If a tree falls through a house, work is usually done within hours of the occurrence, unless it’s pouring rain at 3 am when it’s dark outside. In this case, a tarp is usually placed over the house, or the part of the house that was damaged is blocked off overnight until dawn. The estimate and emergency tree work is complete when the sun rises that morning. It is much safer to perform emergency tree removal during the day. There are many emergency tree removal scenarios, and local tree removal companies are immediately available to the customer. Once a fallen tree is removed from a home, a contractor will fix it and enclose everything on the roof. Repair of the roof assembly is completed by a different contractor and is separate from tree removal.

So what if it was my neighbor’s tree that fell on my house, then who is responsible? This can be a risky situation as the neighbors want to maintain a good relationship with each other. Technically, any part of a tree that has fallen on a person’s property is that person’s responsibility. Therefore, it does not matter whose tree the tree originally was when it was standing. There is a scenario where your neighbor could be liable if it was originally her tree to begin with. That is, if the neighbor was negligent and refused or refused to remove a dangerous tree from her property after being told to do so. So the load can possibly fall on them. The property a fallen tree rests on generally determines who is responsible for cleanup.

To perform an operation as complicated as emergency tree work, tree services must have the proper experience and equipment. There have been many times when major storms hit the DC metro area and caused significant damage to trees. The tree service industry is known to be one of the most dangerous in the world. Hiring a licensed and fully insured professional tree service is an absolute must. Lives are lost and major injuries occur every day in the tree service business. It is a priority to hire a reputable, experienced and well-equipped company that can complete the job safely.

JL Tree Service – Tree Removal

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