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During hot and humid weather, your horse may not drink enough water to keep up with fluid loss. When that happens, dehydration can occur.

Dehydration in horses is most common in the summer, but can also occur at other times of the year. Intense activity in hot, humid weather is the most common cause, but an inactive horse in a hot, stuffy stable or without access to enough water (think buckets of frozen water!) can also become dehydrated.

There are a few simple things you can do to get your horse to drink more water.

1. Make sure you have enough water. An inactive horse needs a minimum of ten gallons of water per day and an active horse in hot weather can absorb up to 25 gallons.

2. Make sure the water is clear, clear, clean and easy to access. Overturned, leaking or malfunctioning water buckets will not encourage your horse to drink any more than they would you.

3. Soak hay before feeding to increase its hydration capacity. A moistened hay flake can absorb 1 to 2 gallons of water. If you feed your horse well-soaked hay, it can have a real impact on his fluid intake.

4. Offer fresh grass, watery bran puree, and moisture-rich treats like carrots, apples, or watermelon.

5. Allow your horse access to a clean salt block.

6. Combine 1 teaspoon of salt with 2 tablespoons of applesauce. Put it in a syringe or antiparasitic tube and shoot it in the mouth. Salt should stimulate thirst.

7. Try spraying 1 tablespoon of corn syrup into your mouth. He will cover her tongue and force her to drink.

8. If your water is very cold, try adding some warm water to the bucket.

9. Some horses don’t like “different” water. If you are going on a trip and can bring enough water from home, do so. If not, try adding some apple juice, sugar beet water, or apple cider vinegar to the water a few days before your trip. It can help disguise the “new” flavor.

10. Go for a walk! A 15-minute walk or light walk will stimulate thirst. Check with your vet before exercising if your horse is recovering from dehydration.

Exercising your horse after it has had a drink will not cause colic. The horse’s stomach empties very quickly in response to ingesting water.

Moderate dehydration can be reversed by allowing the horse unrestricted access to water and electrolyte supplements.

Severe and dangerous dehydration can best be reversed by administering electrolyte fluids intravenously. Contact your vet if your horse is severely dehydrated.

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