Committed for Better Business

How many times has this happened to you?

You’re getting ready to do some serious work, but first you just want to check your email.

So you fire up your email client and see that you have 73 messages that have passed the spam filters, and now you think they deserve at least a preliminary look.

The first thing you notice is that some spam has made it through, and some of those headlines are hilarious.

After removing the funny spam, you will see that your friend has sent you a viral video link. Oh man, that was a fun fifteen minute video!

And don’t forget the other three you just saw because you clicked the Related Videos link. You HAVE to pass this!

And it does.

Now you notice that Marky Marketer has sent you an URGENT message about a special offer you’re missing… right now!

There is no time to lose, you have to see that limited offer, before everyone else finds out.

Once you get to the page, you quickly realize that this overpriced, over-the-top offer is nonsense, so you return to the email.

This time we’re gonna stay IN FOCUS!

Alright then!

Look, Big Dog has struck a bigger deal with that package, but it’s just for his list, AND there are BONUSES!

Big Dog’s presentation is even better, because he GIVES you his last three products as a BONUS…

Hey, look… he twisted the other guy’s arm to get 20% off the already discounted price…

So heck…it’s a good deal!

But what about Mega Dog…. What kind of deal does HE have?

Maybe it’s better… Let’s check it out!

And turn around again…

So you’ve wasted half your day and probably didn’t even buy the product.

Stay out of your inbox until the end of your day, after you’ve finished your work.

Typically, any marketer who plays email etiquette will lose valuable time that they could be using to build their business. Consider how many articles could have been written during the hour and a half wasted chasing deals, watching viral videos, and reading spam.

Use this time you are wasting to take action and really build your internet marketing business.

Once you’ve accomplished something, you can stay up all night to read your email.

But here’s the thing… after you wake up a few mornings feeling the pain of lack of sleep, the reality of how much time you’ve been wasting will finally hit you.

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