Committed for Better Business

Loneliness is a killer. In general, most people do not want to be alone. Relationships are about connecting with people, and especially when you lose contact with loved ones or people you want to be in touch with, you feel lonely even in the midst of people.

Loneliness is a big challenge in life because it can negatively affect your self-esteem and self-esteem. It can bring down your self-esteem. He has a way of making you feel disabled. You can’t seem to think of anything meaningful to move your life forward. Loneliness can make you feel jealous and envious. It can cause you to start having feelings of rejection, despondency, abandonment, frustration, and even depression. Some had mutated the idea of ​​suicide just because they felt that no one cared about them anymore.

‘MarketWatch’ reports that almost half of Americans report feeling lonely at one time or another. This is alarming when one considers the effect of loneliness throughout the world. In some cultures, especially black Africa, where you may not even get a chance to express your feeling of loneliness, it can be overwhelming.

When you finally escape from loneliness, it can seem like a hallucination. You feel on top of the world. You feel like a bird left out of the cage. You feel so happy and joyful. It’s really fun when you come out of loneliness. And especially when you are now ‘relaxing’ in the arms of your love or in the midst of great people from your tribe.

I never realized that I could be lonely until I felt like I had come of age to have a life partner. And you know, as you get older, you become more self-aware. When I started hunting women for the love of my life, I got more No’s than YES’s. Mostly the ones I didn’t like at all say YES while the ones I like say NO. I would enter my shell and after healing more injuries, I would launch myself again. There were no significant successes. As a result, he had fallen into emotional depressions a couple of times.

The question has always been: what did you do to swim out of the mighty ocean of loneliness?

Join groups: In my local church, there are several godly societies. I have two of them that always fascinate me, namely: the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the Justice, Development and Peace Commission. I signed up and we normally have scholarships three days a week. I enjoy the events there and find it fun to participate in the weekly activities.

Get Connected: Life has gotten easier with the advent of social media, especially when it comes to dealing with loneliness. You could literally make a friend in a fly. I made friends with people I never knew about Adam through chats and we tuned him out, and we actually became close friends. You could instantly make friends from Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.

Start something new: It was in the course of my solitude that I discovered a gift that God had deposited in me. And that is the ability to put words together. He had been struggling to hone the skill and had written two published books today. Writing takes you completely and you won’t even remember something called loneliness as you consume yourself writing down your train of thoughts in the most effective way.

Tell a close friend: If loneliness challenges you, don’t keep it to yourself. Pass it on to someone who really cares about you. I confided in my sister, who is also my friend, about the trials I was going through. I received great support from her.

Vulnerability: I know I’m an introvert. But I had to learn to be more open to people. I become intentional now to warm people up. I smile. Greeting. I hug. I can share anything under the sun about me without feeling ashamed of it.

In short, loneliness is not something that anyone would like to experience. However, they are like two sides of the same coin. Which side would you like to see yourself on? I’m all for the positive side where I can use it as a springboard to work on my weaknesses and also improve my strengths.

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