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Secondary infertility is actually a diagnosis that is especially for those couples who already have another child or children and are having trouble conceiving. There is a big difference between primary infertility and secondary infertility and the couple cannot conceive at least once while going through secondary infertility.

Secondary infertility is usually more difficult to accept -both for the couple- and for those around them. ‘When are you going to have the next one?’ a wise aunt jokes at the family reunion. ‘Cassie has a little brother, I want one too, Mommy,’ says your preschooler, and ‘Honey, don’t expect too much,’ reasons your mother-in-law.

The system should work again, if it has worked before, right? The mother has a proven birth canal and so on in OB/GYN jargon. The first concept is like a little piece of cake for most parents. When it comes to the next or second time, it’s just another ballgame entirely.

family dynamics

One of the main reasons considered if the case is secondary infertility is that you may not have enough time or energy to have sex with your partner when you are going through the peak fertility period of the month. The reason behind may be the demands of your other preschoolers.

Physical factors – You have to consider these factors

It may have been many years after you had your first baby and you may have passed your peak fertility period as well. The most fertile time for women is between their twenties and thirties. When a woman reaches 38, Infertility begins to cast a larger shadow.

If you gain significant weight without losing your pregnancy pounds, it can also lead to difficulty conceiving and hormonal imbalance. If a woman loses her original partner with whom she had her first child, she may also create a reason to raise a red flag for reproductive endocrinologists.

However, some additional tests may be necessary for the new couple. Also, some other similar complicating factors are miscarriages or miscarriages, polycystic ovary syndrome, and uterine or pelvic disorders after conceiving the first child.

Please take note of the emotional factors.

The case of secondary infertility is really a difficult job to accept. If discussing this topic is considered hard work, the parent may need to add another layer to the load and blame him.

However, this should not be the case. However, secondary infertility is more difficult to accept. Making it harder to talk can add another layer of burden and blame to the parents. Couples are often advised to decide on a time frame in which they will try to get pregnant or to consider alternatives such as surrogacy or adoption. Or they can choose the number of attempts they will give a particular treatment such as in vitro fertilization. Having a limit in mind often helps to find closure and accept the destination. Faith also plays a role in any child’s acceptance of infertility.

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