Committed for Better Business

It is a proven fact that people read email, spend money on email marketing, and buy things through email. The fact that there are billions of SPAM messages that are deleted every day does not mean that millions of messages go undetected. Success depends on the way the messages are delivered. If you can learn how to write a great email marketing message, then you can increase your sales. Here are five points to remember when writing emails.

1. Capture interest immediately.

Think of every boring message you’ve heard before and then try to think of something outside the box. Think about the tons of spam mail each consumer receives and try to write at a higher level. Once you capture their interest, they will seriously think about your proposal. They’re always a second away from hitting the delete button, so make sure you never let go of that initial interest and make your point quick.

2. Write a good title and topic.

This is perhaps the most crucial section of your email message. The headline and topic (usually the same thing) should not only capture interest but also command attention. The best headlines are sentences that personally engage the reader. Also, never make the topic too complicated or wordy. Keep it short, punchy, and to the point.

3. After writing a great introduction, keep up.

You can do this by giving more details about the pitch but not giving too much information. The best way to grab attention and keep it is to start with a premise. This could be an amazing statement, problem, question, challenge, or unique selling proposition. To get the best results, you need to focus on the needs of the reader. What benefit does he or she get from completing this letter? Once you express this concern for the reader, be very clear and leave nothing to imagination or subtlety. This is not an art, it is a business and you are on borrowed time!

4. Do your research

Almost all entrepreneurs are willing to do their research before opening a new store, planning an expensive campaign, or partnering. Why not do the same before starting an email campaign? Don’t limit yourself to a single tone or subject line. Create a bunch and then ask friends, colleagues or even family members for advice on which ones get the most attention. Analyze why they are successful and what is interesting about them. This will prepare you for email marketing in the real world. The more research you do, the better.

5. Have a logical conclusion.

Avoid exaggeration to the point of lying. Try to keep any promises made in the subject line before the end of your email. You don’t want the reader to feel cheated; you want him or her to be intrigued to the point of clicking on an additional link to learn more. In other words, don’t keep dropping subject lines throughout the letter. Write logically and coherently. For best results, instruct the user to take action last. A conclusion that promotes action is always better than an indifferent, anticlimactic…

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