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Imagine a lemon with all the tart, citric tartness, but without all that puckering power. That, my friend, is a Meyer Lemon. It is not a true lemon, but a cross between a lemon and a tangerine! Named for a US Department of Agriculture employee by the name of Frank Meyer, who brought this delicious fruit from China in 1908, it is sweeter and less tart than the more common lemon. In the 1940s, this not-so-little lemon (it’s bigger and rounder than regular lemons) was becoming VERY popular and was widely grown in California. However, Frank Meyer brought more from China than he bargained for. With this delicious citrus fruit came citrus sadness virus, a virus that has killed millions of citrus trees around the world. Existing Meyer lemon trees were destroyed in an attempt to save other citrus trees. But fear not, in the late 1950s, early 1960s, virus-free Meyer lemons were back on store shelves.

Because they’re sweeter than conventional lemons, yet still tangy, they’re the perfect infusion with olive oil…a marriage made in heaven. Both fruits (olives are fruits!) together, give us a lush and velvety background and a fresh lemony acidity. Now that will make a grilled fish go up a notch or two. A good, thick white fish, dressed in a lemony golden extra virgin oil, so simple, but so perfect as a whole. Do the same magic with chicken!

Because Meyer lemons have such thin skin, they don’t travel well. So when you find them away from home (California), they are usually quite expensive. Infusing them with extra virgin olive oil solves that problem! And you can replace butter with this lemon oil in a recipe at any time. The two great flavors of Meyer lemons and extra virgin olive oil come together to create endless possibilities.

One of my favorite cookbooks is called Pasta Fresca. It is full of pasta recipes whose sauces do not require cooking. A lifesaver in the heat of August in Philly, where I come from! A great summer dish from this cookbook (and one of my favorites) is pasta with extra virgin olive oil, fresh lemon juice, tossed with lots of freshly ground black pepper and a light layer of grated cheese. Lemon-infused extra virgin olive oil brings this recipe to the table in one less step! Using Meyer Lemon Olive Oil takes it to new heights. The only ingredient missing is a chilled glass of pinot grigio!

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