Committed for Better Business

The various penile health media on the internet are collectively responsible for creating a completely false impression about penis size. There is so much talk about men getting a huge penis that no woman can resist that almost everyone thinks that women go crazy when they have a huge penis to have sex with. However, this has been sorely misunderstood by the media, and more importantly by the manufacturers of penis enlargement products. Studies show that women are not as interested in big penises as people think.

The point is that women are sensitive people and they like sensitivity in sex more than size. For them, things like foreplay or even a steamy hot conversation before the main act is more important than penis size. They are excited cerebral more than bodily. However, to pitch their products to these men, the media suggests that women are crazy about big penises.

The truth is that for women, the circumference of the penis means more than the length of the penis. The vagina is sensitive only for the first two inches, which is up to where the G-spot is. So, in theory, even if a man has a two-inch penis (what we biologically call a micropenis), he should be able to carry a woman to orgasm, because she could reach her all-important G-spot. That’s why when he looks for a penis enlargement product, which he is in any case, he should look for something that focuses on improving the girth and length of the penis.

But then, is it completely false that size matters? That may not be completely correct either. Few women opt for visual stimulation and for them big penises have a big impact. Again, however, it is preferable for these women to become sexually aroused through foreplay first and then feast their eyes on large penises.

In any case, a large penis helps in sexual performance because it makes penetration more convenient. But, more importantly, it has a psychological impact on man. The man gains more confidence due to the large body of him and performs the act with greater confidence. This puts a whole new ring on his sexual performance, and naturally it helps the woman as well. Therefore, the concept of a large penis is important, but not in the way that most people think.

A huge penis that no woman can resist may come in handy after all, but you should know that there is more to that than meets the eye.

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