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With so many brands and products on the market, how do you know which is the best brand to buy? The answer is to look for a trusted brand that has a long history of innovation and quality, like the JVC car audio system.

JVC has a long history of producing high quality sound systems. From the late 1920s onwards, it manufactured audio electronics such as phonographs and radios; today manufactures high-quality car audio solutions that are versatile for a variety of entertainment needs.

If you look at JVC’s huge variety of car stereos, you can see that there is a car stereo for every possible driver’s need. For basic CD and MP3 use there is the KD-R303, KD-R302 and KD-R301 which lets you play your favorite discs for less than £100. One step forward and you can get the KD-R401 that plays WMA and Mp3 from a variety of sources, including USB and Mp3 players. If you’re really tech-oriented, look out for the newest player on the block, the KD-R81, which covers all your possible musical entertainment needs! With built-in Bluetooth, a CD player and an iPod dock, you can play your files from any media you like.

JVC car stereos don’t usually come with a screen that can play pictures, but you can easily get a visual display by looking at their center AV range, which equips your stereo with DVD capabilities and a touch screen.

JVC not only has a variety of stereos for different entertainment needs, it also has two sizes available for different car stereo slot sizes, including single din and double din. With the double DIN size stereo slot being used more and more by car manufacturers, this has been a useful version for many car owners.

JVC has a good reputation not only for producing a variety of models for its entire market; has a good reputation for its quality. JVC car stereos have a long lifespan, making them ideal for those who want to use their car audio system regularly or really want it to last. They are durable and a brand that is well worth the initial cost.

There are a number of excellent car stereo brands in the market that incorporate quality with the latest innovative technology, so it is always recommended that you search for the car stereo that suits your needs.

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