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For those with significant assets, it is imperative to plan what will happen to your estate and family once you are gone to avoid burdensome taxes and protect future generations. But even those with a more modest net worth generally have substantial reasons to make sure their estate plans are solid and sound. Legally binding estate plans allow you to determine exactly how your property should be distributed, reduce the chances of family discord, ensure that your minor children are cared for, and avoid lengthy and unnecessary court proceedings. A valid plan is simply the map you leave behind so your family can continue without you. Here are seven steps to making sure you’ve established a legacy of certainty and stability for your loved ones.

1. Create a valid will

It’s a harsh reality, but most of us know that it takes a will. You need a will to ensure that the heirs you have chosen will receive the assets that you specifically want to leave them. If you do not create a valid will before you die, your property will be distributed in accordance with state intestacy laws. In most states, that means that your children and your spouse will divide all of your assets and inheritance. If you are not married and have no children, your assets will automatically pass to other blood relatives, even if you want a friend to receive them in your place.

2. Establish a living trust

Another way to establish safe estate plans is to establish a living trust. If your property is held in a living trust, your heirs will be able to skip the costly and time-consuming probate court process.

3. Establish health care instructions

It is also imperative to consider your personal health care wishes. Having instructions set out for your care is important if you are disabled and unable to make your own medical decisions. Establishing a health care directive, such as a living will and medical power of attorney, gives the person of your choice the power to make decisions for you.

4. Designate financial power of attorney

For your finances, consider appointing a durable power of attorney that will give someone you trust the authority to take control of your property and finances should you be unable to do so. This person will take care of all your finances and is usually called a proxy or agent.

5. Appoint a personal guardian for minors

You must also appoint a trusted adult to manage any property or money that any of your minor children receive from you. This same person is usually also the personal guardian that you designate for your children in your will.

6. Choose beneficiaries

Selecting beneficiaries for your bank accounts is also a good idea if you want those accounts to be automatically payable to the beneficiaries when you die. This will save money by allowing those funds to bypass probate.

7. Settlement of funeral expenses

Lastly, you can save your loved ones additional stress by making your wishes official as to whether you prefer cremation or burial. You can also set up a prepaid funeral plan or an account at your bank that will cover funeral expenses.

Planning ahead by following these simple steps ensures that you leave a legacy of security and stability rather than one of undue stress and chaos.

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