Committed for Better Business

Here are 9 low cost but highly effective marketing tips to help you increase your sales and profits fast.

Tip 1:

Look for some low-cost ways to improve the perceived value of your product or service. Then try raising your price. Don’t be surprised if both your sales and your profit margin increase.

Tip 2:

Try to limit your customer’s decision making to “Yes, I’ll buy.” or “No. I’m not going to buy.” Don’t risk losing them by including “which” decisions. The more options you offer, the more likely some customers will procrastinate and never make the decision…causing you to lose a sale unnecessarily.

Tip 3:

You can demonstrate a low cost for your product or service by breaking down the price to its lowest time increment. For example, “Enjoy all this for less than 90 cents a day” (for something priced at $325 a year).

Tip 4:

Add an unexpected bonus to each sale transaction just before the sale is complete. Prevent customers from developing last-minute doubts… and changing their minds about the purchase.

Tip 5:

Print your best small ad on a postcard and mail it to potential customers in your target market. Postcards are cheap and easy to use. Most recipients who are ignorant of other types of advertising will read a short ad when delivered on a postcard.

Tip 6:

Prospects who ask questions are usually close to buying. Take advantage of this. Don’t just answer your question. Include a reason for them to buy as part of your answer. Then ask about the sale…or tell them exactly what to do to place your order.

Tip 7:

Collect testimonials from your customers and use them in all your advertising. Testimonials provide evidence that your product or service delivers the results it promises. For maximum impact, only use testimonials that describe specific results the client enjoyed.

Tip 8:

Include “benefit-rich” titles on all your web pages. Many visitors land on a web page and immediately click on it… unless something instantly catches their eye.

Tip 9:

Continually test and evaluate everything you use or do to promote your business. Allocate 80 percent of your advertising budget to proven promotions. Use the other 20 percent to test new variations. Most companies using this system continue to grow, even in highly competitive markets.

Bonus tip:

Handle customer complaints quickly and with a positive attitude. Strive to preserve your relationship with them rather than your immediate benefit from the transaction. They’ll reward you with repeat sales and referrals… instead of punishing you by telling everyone you know about your unhappy experience and losing future customers.

Each of these marketing tips provides a simple and inexpensive way to quickly increase your sales and profits. All you have to do is put them into action.

Copyright 2005 Bob Leduc

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