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Some women find flirting natural, while others find it a frustrating experience. Flirting is not about throwing yourself at a man, but more about the slight gestures you do that make a man want you.

All men love a woman who can flirt with her, it is something that we find incredibly attractive. For us, flirting is an important part of the seduction process, we love to enchant women, impress them and that is what flirting is for us.

It’s so much easier for a woman to flirt, sending the right signals is all we need to see to chase you further and try to woo you with our charms. You don’t even have to take the first step when it comes to flirting, just let a guy know that you are warm and approachable and he will know that you are willing to flirt. Once he starts, all you have to do is flirt back. It’s that easy!

Read the rest of this article and find out how to woo any guy using these simple ways to flirt.

1. Smile, be warm and approachable

A girl who has a happy and positive attitude is very attractive to men. If you can give a cute smile and laugh at your jokes, that’s even better. Don’t be arrogant, rude, or make arrogant comments when you’re with the guy you want to flirt with. We will do anything to stay away from those women, even if they are incredibly attractive.

2. Congratulate him and thank him

Just as you like it when a guy congratulates you, we love it too. Compliments are the basic things that make a conversation more flirtatious. If you like something about the guy you are talking to, don’t be afraid to tell him, he will love you for it and will always answer you something.

Also, if he’s the one paying all the compliments, being quite courteous or chivalrous, thank him with a warm smile. If you positively acknowledge our progress, we will do our best to please you. Either way you look at this, it is beneficial to you.

3. Gauze deep in her eyes

If you really want him to feel comfortable, look him straight in the eye. This makes him feel understood by you and makes him think that you really like him. It’s a great but very easy way to flirt.

This is so strong that it even makes us feel uncomfortable at times, if you add an extra happy smile, our knees will melt and our voice will stutter. Play around with this the next time you have a conversation and witness its true power.

Four. Have feminine expressions

Flirty, feminine expressions are probably what men love the most about women. This is your chance to show your femininity and truly become a woman in the presence of a man. It’s easy to master this art, just spend a few minutes in front of the mirror every day and work on your expressions. Learn to use your eyes and your facial expressions to your advantage, and you really won’t need words to impress a guy and make him flirt with you.

Learn to move your eyelids, work on your smile and your happy little expressions and you will be a flirtatious professional in no time.

If you’re wondering if this really works, think of all the supermodels and great actresses who have made a career out of their expressions; that should be enough to get your answer.

5. Use your hair

You probably don’t know this, but most of your pheromones (chemicals that attract men) are released through your hair. Men love to smell and touch a woman’s hair because we find it fascinating.

That’s why the simple act of brushing your hair is considered flirting and drives men crazy. So the next time you’re in the middle of a conversation, you can run your hands through your hair to show your confidence or tuck your hair behind your ears with your fingers to show your sexy cuteness. It really doesn’t matter what and why you do it, as long as you play with your hair, the boy will get more and more excited.

6. Taunt the

It’s easy to flirt with a guy by putting him on a pedestal, paying him compliments, etc. Sometimes it goes to his head and he quickly begins to believe that you are his to be taken.

This is why it’s always wise to tease him from time to time to let him know that you’re not really that easy to come by. This will make him work even harder and that’s another win for you. Just make sure you don’t bother him too much, as he might get upset and walk away.

Say, for example, if his jokes aren’t funny, feel free to tell him. It’s important to make him feel good, but don’t forget to put him down every now and then, enough to give him more reason to fight for you.

7. Act like a girl but don’t overdo it

You don’t have to act like a schoolgirl or anything like that. You certainly shouldn’t yell and speak in a high-pitched, glass-breaking voice, as that’s more to turn off than turn on.

However, acting like a girl in the presence of a man makes him feel more powerful, makes him take on the role of protector. Try to be subtle and feminine in the way you dress, your voice, and the way you act while letting him play his manly role in front of you.

8. Put your hands on it

This is one of the best ways to make a guy want you and flirt with you even more. Although this is a man’s job (to start playing during a conversation) if a woman does it first, we just can’t help but get a big lump in our throat. In addition, something else involuntary happens every time a woman touches us: we open up more to her and feel much more comfortable in her presence. Try this the next time you talk to a guy and see how positive the response will be.

9. Be genuinely interested in their existence

Most of the time when a decent guy is chatting with you, he is trying desperately to listen and understand whatever it is you are saying to him. Most of the time, men lead the conversation and ask women all kinds of related questions.

If you want to connect with him on a different level, ask him a few questions about himself and then depending on what he is telling you, ask more questions and show genuine interest in whatever he is saying.

This does 2 things: 1 it helps you get to know the guy, 2 you are connecting with him on a level that most women never get to.

Now that you know how to flirt … don’t you think it’s time to go out and meet new guys?

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