Committed for Better Business

Is the drink in your hand contributing to the bulge around your waist? Sorry to say, but your favorite wine is definitely doing exactly that. Any glass of wine contains the same amount of calories as a small piece of chocolate, and a larger pint matches the calories of a packet of salty crisps.

Selling you a drink in a restaurant, bar or club is part of doing business in the UK. Almost all food companies have alcoholic drinks on the menu because the average UK residents consume over 2000 kcal through alcohol each month!

The statistics are staggering, having one drink five times a week will provide the drinker with up to 44,200 kcal over a one year period – that’s the equivalent of swallowing 221 donuts! As if drinking weren’t enough, think about the snacks that go with the drink! These could be anything on the menu: pork products, salted nuts, chips, fish, you name it.

Most drinkers know that a binge drinking session will almost always lead to a sumptuous breakfast the next morning. But what does the drink have to do with the calories accumulated by gorging yourself at breakfast? Dealing with hangovers, that is. Most people eat the hangover. Choosing fried food instead of the usual bowl of cereal adds up to 450 kcal to the total number of calories collected the night before.

Many UK companies work with the Department of Health to conduct health surveys to monitor the general public health and well-being. The reports are alarming. The National Health Service warns that regular drinkers will not only have to fight excess weight in a short time, but also suffer from many health problems, most of them serious.

Most women are blissfully unaware that just one or two glasses of regular wine will put them over their daily calorie limit and can account for close to 20 percent (estimated at 370 kcal) of the daily calorie allowance recommended by health experts. .

Many people will cringe at the thought of consuming a full glass of cream. However, these same people will not think twice about drinking two pints, which contain the same number of calories. They’re either confused, ignorant, or really don’t care about counting calories, until they start to suspect that the toilet scale may be broken! But they still won’t blame the drink.

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