Committed for Better Business

There are many things that cause skin to age, some of which we cannot do anything about, but there are others that we can influence. The only thing we cannot change is the natural aging process; when the skin begins to become thinner and drier, and it is our genes that primarily control these changes and when they occur. The natural aging process will cause the face to lose some of its fullness, and visible lines and wrinkles will appear on the face.

The aging that we can influence is extrinsic aging and is when the environment and our lifestyle choices can cause the skin to age prematurely. We can slow down the effects that this type of aging has on our skin by taking some preventive actions.

  • overdrying the skin – using harsh cleansers on the skin strips away essential moisture, causing dead skin to build up.
  • eye wrinkles – Use eye creams to keep your eyes hydrated and nourished, which can help prevent eye wrinkles from aging.
  • healthy looking skin – Regular facials, exfoliation, and chemical peels will help destroy dry, dead skin cells, allowing glowing new skin to replace them.

How well you take care of your skin from a young age can make a big difference in how wrinkles form on your face later on. We can’t go back in time, however, there are some tips and techniques that will keep your complexion looking radiant and glowing and make you feel younger.

  • Use sunscreen – Sun exposure is the main cause of skin aging. Sun protection is the best way to prevent this, using sunscreen every day and not just when it’s sunny.
  • do not smoke – Smoking damages collagen and elastin, and when the collagen in the face becomes less elastic, it allows the soft tissue features of the face to sag. Smoking raises cholesterol, which prevents enough oxygen from reaching the skin, causing dullness and can also lead to lines and wrinkles around the mouth.
  • Exfoliate regularly – This will remove dead cells from the surface of the skin and you can exfoliate it manually, using a facial scrub or in a cosmetic clinic or beauty salon with a chemical peel.

Exfoliating the skin with medical chemical peels helps increase skin cell turnover, removing dead skin cells and encouraging new ones to form. Peels penetrate the dermis of the skin and stimulate fibroblasts deep within the skin to produce new collagen and elastin. This results in improved skin texture and tone, giving your face a fresher, smoother and more youthful appearance.

So while we can’t stop time, luckily there are things we can do to slow down the aging process and repair some of the damage that’s already been done.

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