Committed for Better Business

If I were to summarize these AZ success principles, they all mean one thing: we must take responsibility for our lives. We all have our unique talents, and by focusing on our innate abilities instead of our weaknesses, we can achieve amazing results in all aspects of our lives. To have a better life, I believe that Personal Development is absolutely essential.

The main objective is that we must decide what we want, believe that we deserve it and go for it. Here is a simple set of rules for success. By consciously implementing these simple truths, we can achieve higher levels of performance and achievement in all areas of our lives.

The ABC’s of success:

Oh authentic life: Sadly, most people spend tremendous amounts of energy keeping up with the Joneses, instead of doing what’s really important to them and living an authentic life, a life that resonates with our inner selves. True happiness can only be achieved by being authentic and seeking happiness from within. It is time to reclaim our authentic selves and live our lives to our full potential and a life of purpose.

Oh Believe in yourself: Henry Ford said it best: “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” We must first believe in ourselves and our innate talents that we can achieve our goals. Without this belief, we wouldn’t even try to do anything about our dreams and goals. You must be like the little child who is just beginning to learn to walk! Always believe in yourself and hold that image of yourself as if you have already achieved what you set out to do.

Oh Courage: Above all moral courage. If you have moral courage, you will always act in accordance with your moral principles, regardless of the popular opposition you face. In your quest for success, you will no doubt be faced with difficult decisions and dilemmas, but if you have the strength of an ethical leader, you will always make the right decisions. We must internalize this, not just turn it into an intellectual exercise.

Oh Drive: A high degree of self-motivation. This motivation must be internal and you must focus on your “WHY”. If you were to study all the self-made men and women, you would learn that they all, without exception, have one thing in common, they are all self-motivated. Burning desire to succeed is a prerequisite for success. Find a reason to be successful and all the self-imposed obstacles to success such as: fear, procrastination, etc. will disappear. If you have a strong inner drive, then tenacity and persistence will guide you to the top.

Oh Enthusiasm: The word originates from Ancient Greece and means: The Inner God. Enthusiasm helps you connect with your inner power. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best: Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm. It is the fuel that drives you to success. With enthusiasm you have the inspiration to stay the course of your company. It will hold you up as you go through tough times, and trust me, you will.

Oh family and friends: What is the use of succeeding in business, for example, but failing in the most important part of life, which is the family? How sad it must be when a child asks: mom, dad, can you come and watch me play soccer? Only for parents to reply: Sorry, I have to work tomorrow. They don’t have time for what matters most. Missing those special moments, such as: first words, first steps, etc. they are truly invaluable. Having the ability to be there for our friends when they need us most is also priceless. So my advice is to find a way to get out of the rat race and work from home. This is 21st century. Spending most of your time with your boss and in traffic surely doesn’t give you much time for your loved ones.

Oh goals: Goals are your motivating force to make your vision of the future a reality. Without goals, you are like a ship without a rudder and the destination you arrive at, you probably wouldn’t like. So set goals with the “burn the cans” attitude. Succeed or perish. Your goals must be smart. ELEGANT. Goals: Sspecific, METEReasy, INreachable, R.realistic, and youon time

Specificstretching, significant

Measurablemotivating, meaningful

Reachableachievable, action oriented, acceptable

Realisticresults oriented, relevant, reasonable, rewarding

Prompttime-based, traceable, tangible

Oh Health: We must have a holistic approach that encompasses the 3 aspects: Mind, body and spirit. If we radiate wellness, other people will follow us and then we can take the message of wellness to everyone in the world.

Oh Imagination: Unlike knowledge, imagination has no limits. If you can imagine your goals, then you should be able to achieve them. We cannot overstate the power of the imagination because it is the gateway to the world of unlimited potential. All Olympic athletes, without exception, have first imagined the medal on their necks long before the competition. The same goes for all self-made men and women.

Oh Do it! What more is there to say!

Oh Knowledge: In today’s global information and service-based economy, knowledge, especially specialist knowledge, is critical to your success. The acquisition of knowledge should be the pursuit of a lifetime. If your car isn’t a university on wheels, you’re missing out big time. All successful leaders have knowledge in their chosen field.

Oh Love: Love and be loved! Love is one of the most important things in life.

Oh Money: Pay yourself first and NEVER live beyond your means. Supplement your income – start an Internet business. Find something that is aligned with your passion. Whatever it is. For me it is health and well-being.

Oh now: The power of now: Living in the now, Living in the present moment.

Oh Optimism: Hopefully, even from a bad situation we can learn something valuable. It gives us the ability to see the good in the worst of situations. It is a proven fact that an optimistic attitude is beneficial for both mental health and physical well-being. Optimism is another prerequisite for success. Life is full of adversities, the winners in the game of life are those optimistic people who expect to win every time.

Oh Persuasion: One characteristic that you will find common in every successful person, even a child, is the ability to persuade others. For example: to be a great father, you must have the ability to persuade. If your children don’t want to do what you want them to do, it means that you are a very poor salesperson. Three critical elements must be present for effective persuasion: confidence, logic, and emotion.

Oh In peace: Anything worthwhile is hard at first, before it becomes easy. The problem with most people is that they quit too early, and therefore those who quit can never win. Perseverance is what separates the winners from the losers.

Oh risk taker: Most of the time we regret the things we haven’t tried and what could have been; than the things we have tried and have not been successful. The most secure are people who live in the routine. Life for them is very monotonous rather than a daring adventure. Robert Frost once said: Two roads forked in the wood; I took the one less traveled by, and it made all the difference.

Oh stop dilating: Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Oh Take control of your own destiny: You have the power to create your own destiny. You are in total control.

Oh understand yourself: Plato said it better than anyone: “The first and greatest victory is to conquer oneself; to be conquered by oneself is, of all things, the most shameful and vile.”

Oh Vision: Helen Keller said bluntly: “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but no vision.” What is your vision for your future? Are you living for the weekend?

Oh Willpower: It takes inner strength and that indomitable will to have willpower. You got it?

Oh enthusiastic: Be enthusiastic about your life. Life is too short to be any other way!

Oh You: I honor you. There is no one like you.

Oh there is nothing like a laser beam on your main target, and go for it. Never look back or doubt.

For your health, success, prosperity and abundance,

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