Committed for Better Business

Although it’s not really as big of a difference as most people think, it’s certainly true that men tend to cheat more often than women. Why is this? Why do husbands cheat more than wives?

Well, I’d like to offer a couple of tips as to why this might be. If you’d mind sticking around, by the end of this article I’m pretty sure I’ve given you everything she needs to uncover the root of her husband’s infidelity.

However, I should go straight with you, I have never cheated on my wife.


They have cheated me. And I’ve helped a LOT of people catch their partner red-handed, so I know my stuff when it comes to infidelity and spotting the signs of an extramarital affair.

In all my time helping people, there are a few main things I’ve noticed about what drives people, particularly men, to cheat on their spouses.

1. Boredom.

I know, it sounds awful, right? But it’s true, though not for the reasons you probably think.

You will see, most women think that men just can’t control themselves; that somehow, if we do nothing, we forget about all our emotional attachments and satisfy ourselves in any way we can. Although that may be the case at times, it can also be much more complex than that.

Often what happens is that men feel that their wives are OBLIGATED to perform sexually for them. Many times men feel ENTITLED to a certain amount of sexual activity, and when they don’t reach that level, they begin to feel betrayed.

Over time, I’m sure you can imagine how that feeling could turn into an affair.

IMPORTANT! I am in no way condoning matters. I still don’t think I have fully forgiven my wife for cheating on me, infidelity is not, and never will be, excusable.

With that being said, understanding WHY your husband is cheating on you will help you both catch him AND heal afterward.

2. Loss of masculinity

Many men feel the need to constantly prove themselves. It’s just part of that alpha male complex that is deeply ingrained in all men.

Some men let it go too far, particularly when they feel like a failure in other areas of their life. Many times, by making a woman fall in love with them, men are able to maintain a manly image of themselves.

3. Friends become more than friends.

This is true for both men and women… People just spend too much time with people of the opposite gender, and suddenly they feel extremely attracted to them.

I know it totally goes against everything we learned in the feminist movement, but it seems that men and women are truly incapable of being ‘Just Friends’.

Hear, If you suspect that your husband is cheating on you, then he probably is.. You need to find absolute proof of an affair before doing anything else.

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