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Despite the summer heat, many runners still want to continue their healthy routine. Although heat can seriously affect running performance, there are several ways to counteract the effects. Here are seven tricks for running during the summer.

  1. Run at the coolest time. One of the tricks you can do to avoid the summer heat is to run during the coolest time of the day. The good news is that free software and some apps can display the high and low temperatures for the day or even the week so you can schedule your run accordingly. Sunrise and sunset are generally the coolest hours. Noon is the hottest. But since weather changes can be abrupt, you’d better check out an app.
  2. Look for an alternate shaded route. Every runner has that favorite route. But when it comes to extreme weather conditions, you may need an alternate route to stay safer from the elements. During the summer, choose less open routes. Opt for more shadows, such as areas with more buildings and trees. Today there are applications that can calculate the distance of the route using GPS. They also show pictures. Use the app to know the distance. That way, you will still get the same distance you run on your usual route.
  3. Wear sweat-wicking clothing. Even by usual standards, sweatpants and baggy clothing are a no-no. You don’t want them to move, then heavy and drenched with sweat in several minutes. Fortunately, sweat-wicking clothing is now available in stores. Brands like Adidas, Nike, and Under Armor have running clothing that wicks sweat away from your body and lets it evaporate onto your clothes. In this way, you are refreshed, feel more comfortable and reduce the risk of being exposed to the accumulation of bacteria. Most of these garments are lightweight and modern, adding more appeal to the technological benefits they already offer.
  4. Wear lightweight, breathable shoes. If your clothes are on point, your shoes should be too. Wear running shoes that are lightweight and made of breathable materials. These types of shoes allow your feet to “breathe.” Good circulation prevents hot, sweaty feet and bacteria. Heavy and stiff shoes tend to wear it down. The light and flexible ones allow you to accelerate and move more efficiently.
  5. Consume additional water. Even before running, you lose more fluids during the summer than in any other season. Lose about six to 12 ounces of fluid for every 20 minutes of running. Hydrate before running. Drink an extra glass of water. Also look for possible ‘hydration’ stations. Drinkers on the go, or even a convenience store, you can buy water or sports drinks.
  6. Use sunscreen. The sun’s rays are good for you. But they can also be unforgiving, especially during the summer. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen. Even a thin layer with a high SPF will help protect your skin from certain cancers and diseases.
  7. Run for feeling. You sure have a target for pace, time, and distance that you want to hit. But before you try to get there, feel your rush. Heat and humidity will affect your performance despite your best efforts. So don’t force it. Acclimatize by running at a slower pace. Adjust on the fly. If you feel like you will have to put in double the effort just to achieve your goal, tone it down a bit. Don’t force anything. Work on your goal slowly but surely.

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