Committed for Better Business

He may have been illegally charged with a crime that he did not comment on, possibly even forced to take a walk “downtown” and spend a few days in jail. But you weren’t guilty and none of the facts say you were.

Hire an Appeal Attorney!

As small as the problem may seem, when you are out and about and don’t look back, if you were charged, you need to know your rights. Those rights include the opportunity to appeal if you were wrongly charged and served a sentence, or paid the fine, knowing that you did nothing wrong.

Ask for help.

There is nothing wrong with seeking an attorney to defend your case or asking for an appeals attorney to oversee your case. Maybe you’ve already solved your case and it doesn’t look as good as you think it should? Call an appeals attorney to get a better review of what your rights should be.

Yo have to go ahead.

Your life may depend on it. If you have a record, it appears. If your record shows up and it shouldn’t even be a record, you’ll want to fix it right away. Call an appeals attorney and resolve that issue.

For example:

When you live in Colorado and need to rent an apartment, the landlord performs a criminal background check. If there is something on your record that shows up, including court judgments against you, you may not be able to rent a home. Those sentences would have to be overturned by requesting that they be appealed and dismissed in the appeals court. Only a Colorado appeals attorney can do that.

Other states have similar laws, so while this may not be specifically related to Colorado, there is a limit to my knowledge on this particular topic. I know the laws of Colorado.

Basic law will help you get through the hoops, if you have a good attorney. But if you are working with a second-rate attorney and they confuse you. You will need someone who can fix you. The best thing to do then is to hire the best lawyer you can get to fix your problems. That means hiring the best Barrister appellate attorney.

If you lost it in the lower courts, you will need confidence at the next level. Therefore, do not disappoint yourself and hire a crazy fool, a fool in the chair, an appeal guy who will not do his best for you.

Hire the BEST you can afford.

So now that I’ve told you that, I’m going to share my story:

I’m here working every day, breaking my chops for a living. And I barely make ends meet. And then comes this person who shakes my cage and convinces me that I can retire happily if I do this. All I have to do is write business reviews and post them on my blog. Well, I do that, and I write amazing reviews of businesses that I know, but I forget to ask how they pay me.

Time passes and I discover how they pay me. She had told me but I wasn’t listening. Then I went on his blog and he literally walked me through every step of the process. From writing the review to sending it to the company asking for their “blessing” and getting paid to post your review on my blog. It was a really cool deal, and several of those companies paid me something to sponsor their blog post. A few hundred dollars here and there was pretty good. So, I started working on a client list and went back to the originals and asked for more money for another review.

So I’m sitting at the Ford dealership and the lady comes in. He holds a brand-new Ford RED truck key in one hand and the paperwork for a “gifted” Ford truck he’s displaying in the other hand.

What the hell?

Then, I watched her. I said her Hello. Then when the salesman went to get the rest of the paperwork, I walked over and asked him what he was doing with the truck. She said, “I’m giving it away on my website.”

The deal is, they paid her for a red Ford truck to advertise this Ford dealership, and they gave her a second truck to give away, just like hers. All this for ads.

I saw the price of that truck. They paid him $ 47K for ads that year, plus they gave him another truck – same value.

That’s a great traffic driving machine right there in those skinny jeans. And she didn’t even add any additional influence when she walked away!

Now, I imagine if she can do it, can I do it right?

Well, I pulled up my pants and smoothed the shirt over my beer belly in my belted khaki pants, and I said to the merchant, “I want a deal like that!”

The next thing I knew I was in handcuffs and talking to my lawyer because the dealer thought he was trying to buy my love.

I guess there is one thing my mom taught me. She told me if you’re in a hole, stop digging and shut up, because you’re not talking to get out of a hole.

The stupid attorney wasn’t getting me out of trouble, so I waited until he could appeal my case.

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