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Purchasing a commercial cleaning solution may contain harsh chemicals that can easily cause your countertop to etch and be damaged. However, they look dull when not cleaned properly. By making your own homemade cleaning solutions, you can prevent damage and also keep your countertops free of germs and oil. Using a proper household cleaning solution will stop oil buildup and keep the space in good condition.

Here are some tips for cleaning your Black Galaxy granite countertops

Regular dishwashing detergent solution mixed in a cup of water is more than enough to clean countertops. Clean the area frequently, at least three times a week. Moisten a soft, non-abrasive sponge in a liquid dishwashing solution and scrub the area until dirt, oil splatters and grease are removed. Work in circular or back and forth directions until stains are removed. Work in small sections and once completed, wash the area with lukewarm water. Dry the countertop with a rag or towel or sponge and allow it to dry. Apply a water tank cleaner if water droplets or mist remain. Or you can try using a dilute solution of white vinegar mixed with water to clean. Mix the diluted solution and water in a spray bottle. Spray solution onto countertop surface and scrub clean with a soft sponge. Wipe area with a non-abrasive towel to remove excess moisture and allow to dry.

If you find the area is still damp and there is moisture, use undiluted vinegar instead of the diluted kind. Store the spray bottle out of the reach of children and pets. As contained in white vinegar it can cause indigestion problems when ingested. Clean the surface at least two to three times in a week with a full or diluted vinegar solution. Try using an ammonia based cleaner to clean. Add the solution to a spray bottle filled with water. Spray solution on countertops and wipe with a rag until tough stains are removed. And rinse with lukewarm water. The content present in the ammonia generally breaks down streaks, tough stains, and residue buildup. Avoid using window and door cleaners to clean countertops. Because the ingredients in window and door cleaner will break down the finish on Black Galaxy Granite countertops. You can also use limescale remover, CLR, and other lime-based cleaners to remove tough stains. Or you can also apply ammonia or light content bleaching powder or baking powder in water to remove stubborn stains.

Tips and Caution

Wear rubber gloves when working with ammonia or bleaching powder for cleaning. Keep spray bottles out of the reach of children and pets. Use full strength cleaner to remove moisture and water. Never use hydrochloric acid to clean countertops. Always buy additional 5% tokens for future use.

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