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Sometimes a head lice infestation can be overdiagnosed, either by parents or healthcare professionals, or both. Before you start any treatment to get rid of lice, you must be sure that your child really does have lice. Symptoms of a lice infestation often include the following:

  • itchy scalp
  • Live lice wandering through your child’s hair
  • Red bumps or sores on the scalp, neck, and behind the ears
  • Nits or lice eggs attached to hair shafts.

If you see nits, but not live lice, you can simply wash your child’s hair with a normal shampoo and try to remove the nits with a nit comb. You should be aware that lice can be very difficult to find. Therefore, if you continually see new nits in your child’s hair, your child is infested with lice and may need additional treatment to kill the lice.

If you don’t want to use commercial products on your child, due to the fact that many have harsh chemicals that can affect your child’s health, you can try natural home remedies to get rid of lice. Being picky can be a tedious task, but it is considered the most effective treatment to get rid of head lice. In addition to being picky, you should also take the time to comb your child’s hair with a nit comb. Do this after using a lice shampoo, as some nits may still remain.

Lice suffocation can also be a good home remedy to get rid of lice. Popular options that can be used to suffocate head lice include olive oil, petroleum jelly, and mayonnaise. If you prefer one of these treatments, be sure to leave it in your child’s hair overnight and cover it with a shower cap. Wash the hair the next day, using normal shampoo or vinegar, and comb it with a metal nit comb to remove dead lice and nits that have detached from the hair shaft.

There are some herbal remedies that can be helpful when you are trying to get rid of head lice. These herbal remedies may include tea tree oil and other essential oils. Parents can also use non-prescription pesticide Ulesfia to kill lice. Ulesfia is safe for use in children from 6 months of age. When using Ulesfia, make sure to wash it after 10 minutes and repeat the same procedure after 7 days until the lice are completely removed. Ulesfia works by blocking the respiratory system of lice, which causes suffocation.

As much as possible, avoid using over-the-counter or other commercial products that contain harsh chemicals. These can cause an allergic reaction in your child. As for home remedies, even if they are all natural, be sure to check with your doctor first before starting a treatment. These can also be harsh on a child’s fragile scalp. Other than that, your doctor may not recommend mayonnaise. Mayonnaise can go bad overnight, and a child can accidentally get their fingers dirty and put their fingers in their mouths. Therefore, to avoid any risk, be sure to get good advice from your doctor on how you can get rid of head lice in a safe and effective way.

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