Committed for Better Business

Hopefully, if you’re reading this, you’re already familiar with the term “Traffic” in relation to the world wide web, and it’s of the utmost importance to be able to learn how to get traffic, more specifically, “targeted” traffic to your website or blog in order to that you put your product or service in front of the people who are looking for it. A lot of new marketers, and even some seasoned marketers, are too easily intimidated by the task of generating targeted traffic and just don’t spend enough time on it, anyway, that’s the point of this article. , to show you that with a little discipline, it can be pretty straightforward, and once you’ve mastered a few of the techniques mentioned here and started to understand the basic rules that govern how people find websites, you’ll never have trouble generating traffic. ideas. (By the way, I don’t go too deep into social media in this article, as it’s a separate topic in itself, now with the fantastic growth in recent years of Facebook, Twitter, etc).

There are certain rules that govern how traffic is sent and attracted to websites, the first being “everything is connected”. Now you may be wondering what I mean by that last statement, but it’s actually quite simple, you’ll see that the Internet consists of millions of web servers, and while not all of these servers are directly connected to each other, they are inevitably linked within their own ” mini nets” So what do I mean by “mini nets”? Well, people generally find websites in 3 different ways:

• Entering keywords in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

• Clicking on links in articles or advertisements on well-known, high-profile websites.

• Word of mouth: online (eg, social media, mentions in forums or chat rooms) or offline (via business cards, stickers, classified ads, radio/tv, etc.)

So almost everyone now knows, or at least has heard of Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, EBay, etc. These are probably the most popular search engines right now, but there are many others. However, I’m going to mainly mention Google in this article, although when I teach people how to get traffic, the principles are generally the same, regardless of the search engine.

Google is quite often (85% at the time of writing) the first place most people go when looking for something to solve their particular problem, so with such a high percentage you can see why me and Many internet marketers focus so much of our attention on it, basically if you get it right with Google, the others will just fall in line.

However, many set sites like MSN or AOL as their home page, which means that when they open their browser, this loads automatically. This means that these sites are the main hubs of Internet activity where many people can begin their search, but because they are so heavily linked to other sources of information, they can actually go to an almost unlimited number of destinations. You can start in a familiar place and keep clicking link after link until you come to a website you’ve never seen before, which brings me to the next principle.

The next principle, “All About Links”, is pretty self explanatory, it basically fetches your website’s URL from as many other related websites as possible, and you can do it like this:

• Advertising (purchase of Text or Banner Ads).

• Content creation (articles, press releases, reports, etc.)

• Link to your site through blog comments, forum posts, classified ads, videos, etc.)

The possibilities are really almost limitless, the point is that there are hundreds of possibilities out there, and the more links you have to related content, the more search engine friendly your website will be, which of course equals more traffic.

targeted traffic

Now, to make sales, you need contact with real people, who are already looking for what you have in the first place, and more importantly, ready to take action on your offer, so this principle is all about generating traffic. directed to your website, after all if you are selling a dog training product, it would be useless to attract people who are interested in solving their acne problem, for example.

Generating traffic or leads is as much an art as it is a science and is usually achieved by utilizing paid and free methods. Probably most of your paid traffic will come from pay per click (PPC) campaigns (you can find out more about this in some of my previous blog posts) that you can set up on search engines like Google, and also of text advertising and banners that you can buy on specific niche websites. Free methods are usually content-based, which means using methods like:

• Submission of articles

•Press release presentation

•Free reports

• Participate in forum discussions

•Social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.)

Traffic generation is not too difficult if you apply yourself and learn the different techniques. If you apply the techniques and methods that I mention you will get traffic, it is only a matter of time. Remember that if you do nothing, nothing will happen, if you do a little, you will get small results. In the traffic generation game, massive application of the right methods produces massive results.

So how do you get targeted traffic? Well, let’s talk about keywords first, because in order to attract the right kind of traffic, you need to understand your keyword selection and why it matters.

Ok, so let’s talk about what it means for a keyword or set of keywords to be targeted. Take the keyword phrase “Buy an iPhone online”, do you think you know what the person is looking for in this example? Of course you do, it couldn’t be clearer, right? So if you’re selling iPhones from your website or blog, any advertising you’ve done around this phrase should drive highly targeted traffic. However, imagine if you were to advertise using the keyword “iPhone repairs” but didn’t offer iPhone repairs, then any traffic generated would be untargeted, because what you offer is not what they are looking for.

So how do you know which keywords to use? Keyword selection is done during initial market research, when targeting a niche. At this stage, you should start building a list of relevant keywords and phrases, which you can refer to later and use as input in future keyword research to find even more specific phrases.

The most important thing to remember with traffic generation is that it is about time or money. In general, if you want quick results, you’ll have to accept that you’ll pay monetarily, whether it’s with PPC or banner advertising. Free methods generally require more time and effort, but can build long-term traffic. The best strategy is to use both, as you can generate a quick traffic boost with paid advertising, while building your long-term traffic with the free methods.

Well, that’s all for this article, but be sure to visit my blog and check out all of my articles on specific traffic generation methods.

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