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Most aquarium fish can adapt to environmental conditions that are not similar to the natural conditions in which they were born. But this does not mean that they will be happy in any environment and condition. You must take care that your fish get fresh and clean water conditions for healthy growth. If this is not the case, the fish may experience stress that is detrimental to their health and may soon die.

Constantly stressed fish are easy victims of various diseases. Furthermore, stress also reduces the chances of successful reproduction in fish and shortens their normal lifespan. A small amount of stress can be handled, but if it increases by the day, your fish may not be able to take it anymore. So the most important aspect of fish farming is to eliminate the cause of stress in the fish in the first place.

But you have to remember that eradicating stress alone will not guarantee a healthy fish tank. You need to ensure healthy living conditions for your fish so that they can thrive. Your fish should be able to live a normal stress-free life with adequate play and rest.

Some Common Causes of Stress in Fish Tanks

Generally, in aquariums, the level of stress resulting from a particular reason is quite species-dependent. This is why you need to be extra careful when getting fish for your tank in the first place. You should select fish that are known to combat stress better. Some fish are quite sensitive and may not be able to adapt to changing circumstances. For example, if you have hard alkaline water, you should not buy those fish that cannot tolerate this condition.

Nitrogen compounds have different levels of toxicity and are responsible for a lot of stress for fish. So a good aquarium should have a decent biological filter.

You need to make sure that the water temperature in your tank should be in accordance with the need of your fish. Having water that is too cold or too hot can put the life of your fish at risk. The best choice of fish for you in this regard will be a species of fish that does well in temperatures that are not too hot and not too cold. So a fish like goldfish that likes this moderate water condition, will be your best choice. It will also allow you to have a few other species because goldfish can be adopted very well.

Again, there are some fish that like soft water, while there are some that prefer hard water. Never keep a soft water fish in a hard water tank.

Also, there are species of fish that like acidic water, and some like alkaline water.

The amount of space a fish requires in a tank depends entirely on its species. Some fish can easily thrive in a small 10g tank while there are certain species that will require a 100g tank size even more. If you keep a fish in a small aquarium, you may experience stress, which in turn will ruin your health and eventually kill you. This can also lead to the growth of aggression in the tank. Some fish will also not breed in such a scenario.

As a fish keeper, you should know that there are some fish that do not get along with other species of fish. For example, most cichlids will kill and eat other smaller fish present in it.

Poor diet less nutrition can also lead to stress. Your fish need a healthy diet consisting of various types of nutrition-rich foods.

Sudden and rapid water changes can cause unnecessary stress among your fish. To some extent, most fish will be able to adapt to it. But abnormal water conditions and sudden changes can lead to stressful conditions among tank inhabitants.

So we can conclude by saying that there are a number of factors that can cause stressful conditions inside the tank. As a fish keeper, you need to be vigilant in minimizing increased stress among your fish. It is important for the health and growth of your fish that they are stress free. The amount of stress that a particular fish can handle depends entirely on the species of fish. But the general rule is that stress harms the health of your fish.

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