Committed for Better Business

A Missouri man died when his home burned to the ground. He was sleeping at night and could not wake up to escape the wrath of the fire. While there is another story from Sheybogan Press which was published last November 22, a story is shared about a baby, about 4 months old, who died in a fire in an apartment that did not have working smoke detectors. An innocent boy lost the chance to live life and grow to the fullest due to a tragic accident caused by faulty electrical wiring.

As for the two stories above, it is a fact that people are experiencing fire accidents and deaths are occurring because of it. The sad thing here is that you don’t get to choose who you kill. Anything that gets in its way can be damaged. The irony is that it commonly occurs in your safe zone: which is your home. Your home, which you consider safe and warm, can easily disappear through ignorance and neglect. Even if it is your home and you know the surroundings very well, you have a duty to apply security measures to avoid accidents such as fires. It is your duty to know various fire prevention techniques to reduce the chances of these mishaps occurring.

The question is how do you do this? It is simple. Take note of the following tips:

1. Wiring is one of the reasons a fire occurs. Then you need to check the faulty wirings and replace them as soon as possible.

2. Never leave electrical appliances on when you are not using them and before leaving the house.

3. Keep easily combustible materials away from open flames like your fireplace and burners.

4. Portable heaters can also be the cause of a fire. Therefore, avoid placing them near your walls and keep a minimum distance of 3 feet.

5. Avoid overheating your appliances.

6. Don’t plug too much device into one extension cord. In short, don’t overload your outlets.

7. Hide all matches and keep them out of your children’s reach.

8. Please follow the standard of the container to keep flammable liquids and gases and keep them away from things that may cause sparks.

9. Grill in open areas and don’t leave them for long. Keep an eye on them because they can burst into flames with rising temperatures.

10. Avoid burning leaves under a tree or if you are surrounded by dry combustible materials.

These are simple fire prevention techniques that you apply in your homes. It doesn’t take a genius to understand them. When it comes to security, you need to be very vigilant while applying these things. Fire accidents are serious business. Your properties are not the only things at risk here, but also the lives of your loved ones. Dealing with fire is not a joke. Therefore, everyone should find their way to educate themselves and learn about fire, its causes and prevention. In the end, you will be grateful that the tragedies of the people above did not happen to you.

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